Georges Seurat developed an incredibly refined style of drawing using the black, waxy crayon stick
manufactured by the ContÈ company. Whereas most artists use at least some line when
drawing with crayon or chalk, Seurat found a way to vary the pressure of the tool so that the
texture of the paper picked it up in different amounts.
In this way he could develop subtle tonal effects. The special quality of light that results from
this technique was something that Seurat's follower Charles Angrand well understood.
Building on Seurat's technique, Angrand used it to make larger, more open compositions
and often explored rural subjects, like this harvest scene.
Georges Seurat (French,
Café-concert, 1887-88
Conté crayon heightened
with white chalk, 12 5/16 x
9 ¼ inches
Charles Angrand (French,
End of the Harvest, 1890s
Conté crayon, 19 3/16 x
25 inches