The Art of Magic by Moriel Yamanu

(tbbbooks) #1

memory. It is wrong to regard life and death as opposites. Death is the goal, it is the triumph of the
Adept. It is death that makes the Adept truly Immortal. It is Death that is the Path to Immortality.
If you are so attached to life, you can never reach Immortality. Life is not a goal. It is a platform.
A chance. A battlefield. A possibility. Opportunity to become Immortal. The common man is
clinging to life and the earthly - all those earthly assets that people long for. Everything that belongs
to the World. This is the human philosophy that states that you live once and you should enjoy
life. In other words, to lose your already short life in pleasures and temptations. Thus life passes
quickly and slips away like the wind. The Magician values life as a Gift and uses it to the last
second. For him, life is not a pleasure - the Magician accepts life as a battlefield. As a Mission in
which he must achieve Flawlessness at any moment as a truly Warrior. Thus, every second of his
life has value and is not lost in time. For the Magician, life is only a preparation for Death. Life is
a war for Flawlessness - Death is the victory over life. Immortality is the reward that the Warrior-
Magician receives. His deeds are so Flawless that time cannot erase them. Only the Flawless
achieves Immortality. The one who simply enjoys life loses everything along with Death. That is
why the common man considers Death an enemy and is afraid of it. The Magician knows that
Death is his best friend. Death recognizes the Flawless Magician as an equal and has nothing to
take away from him - the Magician has nothing to lose. He has only his Mission and Flawlessness.
Therefore, all his life, every day, every hour, the Magician prepares for his meeting with Death -
he maintains constant Flawlessness. Death is the point of transition to Infinity.
That is why life is a big trap for people. An illusion that man thinks he possesses. He takes life for
granted. Life is like a wild beast - it does not want to obey you. It is not your property. It's up to
you to tame it. Therefore, life is not Real, it is not constant. It is what you learn from it. Be careful
not to fall into the trap of life. You shouldn`t be attached to life and must be ready to lose your life
at any moment. To be constantly ready for The Last Journey. Only the one who has a Mission can
do that. Only the Flawless one.

Let it be clear that only some of the main traps are listed here. They are not the only ones. Some
of the enemies of mankind, like guilt and shame, are Traps as well. The Magician should keep a
constant Awakeness and always look for traps in the World of men so that he can protect himself
from them and also to find the secret Key to the Traps.
The listed Traps are not something positive or negative. For many people, faith in God and modesty
and humility are all they have and will ever have. For many, this is to some extent necessary and
at some point useful. But the aforementioned Traps are deadly to the Apprentice in the Art of
Magic, and he must watch for their appearance and be vigilant.


In order to be able to given a lesson about the Magic Art, the Apprentice's consciousness must
change from ordinary (daily) to the Magical State of Consciousness. How to change the level of
consciousness of the Apprentice? When we talk about methodology in the System of the Black
Brotherhood, it is often reduced to the Legacy - Eye, Hand, Voice. We confront the Apprentice

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