The Art of Magic by Moriel Yamanu

(tbbbooks) #1

a perfect fourth. The perfect fourth passes into a small third, and it subsides into a pure prima
(unison). Then the Apprentice enters the Magical Consciousness. The same interval pattern may
be present in the vibration of Words of Power.
Another technique that the Adept can practice over the Apprentice to pull him into the Magical
State of Consciousness is to bring him into complete silence and darkness (literally). This is to lull
the Apprentice's senses to sleep. The Adept then utters a surprising Magic Cry (this is related to
the Sixteen Guardians and the External of the Three Rings and is discussed in more detail in
another book).
Another trick is for the Adept-Magician to overwhelm the Apprentice with a lot of new information
until the mind is unable to process and blocks. To speak to him monotonously for a long period of
time, until finally, the Apprentice blocks and can no longer perceive through the mind. Then
everything that is heard is nestled on a deeper subconscious level.
Another technique is Whisper. The Adept whispers his words and this automatically changes the
Intention of the Apprentice and his Consciousness.
Passive side.
The Adept-Magician requires the Apprentice to close his eyes (thus eliminating the visual) and
concentrates on a specific mode of breathing. Provided that the goal is simply to immerse the
Apprentice in the Magical State of Consciousness, what exactly will be the breathing methods and
exercise is of secondary importance.
In short, in order to give a lesson to the Apprentice, he must be introduced into the Magical State
of Consciousness in order to be able to understand the lesson on an inner level, and not to explained
only with his mind. There can be a lesson only when the enemy is asleep (when the mind is under


Not everyone has the talent to teach a lesson. Not everyone has the talent to learn. This is what the
Apprentice should observe when receiving a new lesson. First, he should make sure the mind is
off. How do we check if the mind is off? If when the Apprentice receives the lesson, he
immediately begins to "translate" it - to say to himself: "This means this and that. This is like
something I had read before." He begins to think, to compare, running in one place. This is not a
direct perception, but a translation of the mind. The mind needs something familiar as a starting
point. The mind cannot enter directly into the unknown. The true Apprentice knows how to stop
the speech of his mind and turn it off, according to his Will. The Apprentice is in no hurry to
understand the lesson at the moment. He knows that if he listens to the lesson with his mind, he
will not be able to understand it. The Apprentice clears his mind and so the lesson is memorized
deeply as a deep sensation from which the Apprentice can be guided as the correct frequency of
vibration. Therefore, the skilled Apprentice takes the lesson directly - without comparing it to what
he already knows (or thinks he knows), without censuring it or tormenting himself if he does not
understand something from the start. What does it mean to take the lesson directly? Take action
and carry out the lesson immediately, based on the specific feeling of the lesson. No preconceived
notions. Only after the lesson is applied, we can draw conclusions. Then the conclusions are
directly from the accumulated personal experience - in this state of awareness, it is much more
difficult to insert doubt. The mind hesitates a lot when meeting the unknown. When this unknown
is tamed by concentrated actions, then it becomes known to the Apprentice. The Apprentice should

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