comes the period of distancing. After showing the Flame to the Apprentice, the Adept now sends
him back to the periphery of the Cobweb. Once the Apprentice has seen the Flame of the Adept,
the Apprentice must be able to reach it again without getting lost in the cobweb. All the fields
through which the Apprentice passes are different aspects of the System of the Black Brotherhood,
different methods, and rules. When the Apprentice reaches the Flame at the Center of the Adept's
Cobweb, then the Apprentice is ready (Sixth Degree -Creator) to create his first true Magician
Cobweb and become independent. The Apprentice can then consult the Adept after setting his
personal Flame to the vibration frequency of the Flame of the Adept and thus make contact and
communicate directly. Without words.
This is a description of how to "access" people who are not awakened and the Adept should
approach from afar and touch with care. If someone's Flame is awakened, then the Adept can
instead of approaching from afar step by step, can be transferred to the Center of the man's Cobweb
and from there the Adept can directly change mans whole world after applying the pure image of the Flame and the Cobweb on that of man. How is applied the Flame on the Cobweb of man? Once the Adept has moved from his Flame into the Flame of man, the man starts to feel the Adept in a special way. He feels the Adept as a mentor, as a teacher. The man begins to listen to the Adept, sometimes without understanding anything. Even then, the man follows the Adept without being completely convinced. Trusts even without believing. What resists is the human mind. The shadows man has in his Cobweb. These are the areas from his Cobweb that the Apprentice does not understand. Then, in order to apply the pure image of the Flame, the Adept takes the Apprentice with him on a tour of Apprentice
s network and passes the Flame through every line, every thread,
every empty field, until he restores the whole image and resembles the original. This is done by
giving the Apprentice a lesson in every position and idea that the Apprentice had and in practice
showing him the Key to this Knowledge. This is going through the whole personal value system
of the Apprentice, everything he believes in, everything he knows and thinks he knows. By going
through all the empty fields and all the lines, the Adept has already applied the Teachings to the
Apprentice`s Cobweb. Thus the Apprentice has realized his former incompleteness and only now
feels completed. Feeling of balance and Fullness. There is no lack, no fear. He knows every hidden
part of himself.
Suddenness and surprise are hallmarks of the Black Brotherhood. Awareness may seem like a
continuous process from the position of the mind, but it is actually sudden. Awareness is
instantaneous - the recollection of the realized is a continuous process. At once you become
different. You already know. All that leads to this point have been steps, but the change comes
suddenly, just the mind needs time to make sense of it. It's like Lightning - it flashes all of a sudden
and you already know. Consistency is a characteristic of the mind and the way to attack it, is
suddenness. Suddenness is a method of entering into the Cobweb.
We have several main categories of people and the approach to their Cobwebs is different: men-
flowers, men-weeds, men-mud.
The flower-man is awake and has the ability to see and hear. When there is an awakened person,
the Adept takes advantage of the suddenness and teleports directly to his Center and changes his
whole life in a single moment. We have a direct infusion of Energy. Thus in this kind of Penetration
into the Cobweb, the Adept enters through the Center and then, together with the Apprentice,
traverses all the lines and fields of the Cobweb so that all aspects of the Teachings can be