NOTES, BOOK m, 2. 109
likely because he was in a difficulty, but partly out of irony, said
that, as mortars are made by the mortar-makers, so are the Laris-
SeanS manufactured by their ' artkan-magistrates ; for some of them
were makers of kettles ' (Adptuuac or Aapruuaioc).
For the term clpwucudpcvos) applied to Gorgias, compare Rhet. iii.
7, 1408 b. 20, 3 pcrh dpwvdas) &cp I'opyias inoirr: and for AL~~LUU~L
Thypa Tavaypb, a kettle, (Hesych., Pollux) ; also an epi-
gram of Leonides of Tarentum (Anth. vi. 305) :-
pp~u$vq r(isf a+=, +rxwvxfixy rf A~++
8tj~aro 8frud{ov Awpriws KC+&,
ri)s Aapruoaiws Bovy&~~opas iq~jpas,
K~I x&rpos ai rhw tdpuxa8ij KALK~,
Ka'r 7hY ftXdhKUrOV i&yUll/bTTdU Tf KpfliypaV,
rtai KI~~UTLV, ai rhv Pruo8duov roplvav.
Aappowva, w 8; rah K~KO; KUK~ 80pr]r$pos
8f&lp'iVa, YE6UclLS p$ lTOKa Uo$pOU6UaU.
Gtrud[ou=stinking; cp. Suidas, S.V. Gtrudbs :--6ciuaXios, KO~T~&B~S.
6riua yhp 4 K~POS.
&OUS ai %oiXous pfTOiKOUS. (See note on text.) 2. 3.
Mr. Grote, c. 31. vol. iv. 170. n., would keep the words as they
stand, taking ~CTO~ICOUS with both .$VOUS and 8oiXous. He quotes
hristoph. Knights 347 (E? TOU 8rKiBtov thas td ~arh [iuou prroiKou), and
infers from the juxtaposition of the words G06Xous ~CTOL'KOUS, that they
mean, ' slaves who, like metics, were allowed to live by themselves,
though belonging to a master,' That is to say pirocKor are spoken
of in a general as well as in a technical sense. According to
Xen. de Vect. 2. Q 3, all kinds of barbarians were metics.
cp. for the general subject, Polit. vi. 4. 5 IS, where measures,
like those which Cleisthenes the Athenian passed when he
wanted to extend the power of the democracy, are said to have
been adopted at Cyrene. Such a reconstruction of classes also
took place at Sicyon under Cleisthenes the tyrant, who gave in-
sulting names to the old Dorian tribes (Herod. v. 68).
daim 3 auaicos. Kalroc xai lbs ;rr rpoumopjutm K.T.X.
8 ++&p rpbs r~ovs iosiw 03 ris roiiqs, ci~~h l~drcpov 2.4.
Anstotle means to say that what is true in fact may be false in