(Wang) #1


hrpXo;Uar &acpo&rfs noXirciar qw ~arovtrju ,. &aivo&rrv. 1. 6.
.\]though the language is inaccurate (for the Lacedaenionian is an
1 existing ' constitution), the meaning is plain. ' They put aside
their own constitution and praise the Lacedaemonian or some other.'

xp;) 6i rota6rqw &~y&eaL rd&v tu &%E ZK TSV hapxouoiiv rai 1. 7.
rrct&juovrar rai hv{uovrar KOWWV~~V, Ss 2mtv O~K iharrov Zpyov ri)
ir;avopdiuai nohaiav 4 Karaurcvd[erv 25 dpxis, Ouircp rai rA pcrapv-
@&flv 70; pav8dvctv 15 dp~jr.
'The legislator should introduce an order of government into
\I hich the citizens will readily fall, and in which they will be able to
co-operate ; for the reformation of a state is as difficult as the
original establishment of one and cannot be effected by the legis-
lator alone, or without the assistance of the people.'
C'K riv 6napXowuiv (sc. noXrrcriv) may be taken either with rdEw or
with Korumvfiv, either ne ought to introduce I) ' from among existing
constitutions ' ; or 2) in passing out of existing constitutions that
form,' &c. ; cp. in next sentence rais 3napxoCuais ~OXLT~~ULS ieoq6eiv.
Some have
rivciu. The emendation KLXfiW [Susemihl], taken from ' consequi '
in the old Latin translation, is an unnecessary conjecture j nor
does the word occur commonly, if at all, in Aristotle ; Kawo3v is
open to the objection of introducing a special when a general lvord
is required. But no change is really needed.
&E ~UTLV O&K E'harrou E'pyov K.T.~. The connexion of these words
is difficult : Aristotle seems to mean that the 'legislator should
select a constitution suited to the lvants of the people : for however'
good in itself, if unsuited to them, they will not work it, and he will
hue as great or greater difficulty in adapting it than he would
originally have had in making one for which they were fitted.

KoiUWVfiV is the reading of the majority of AlSS.

Arb npbs rois cipqplwoip KU~ rair iaapXo6uaLs iroXirciarr 6ci 66vdal L 7.

We may paraphrase as follows : Therefore, i. e. because it is dif-
ficult to introduce anything new in addition to what has been
said [about the highest and other forms of government by the un-
batisfactory political lvriters mentjoned in $ 51. we ousht also to


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