poet, but of a philosopher. No modern reader would imagine [hat
Homer is seeking to enforce any other lesson than [he necessi:! cf
having one and not many leaders, especially on the field of battie,
This anti-popular text is adapted to the argument.
4 3 I. TOV 82 Kae) tltacrra T~S dpXLs Kai T$U HoXiTdav wpiusiu.
For use of gen. after Kphv cp. Plat. Rep. 5iG D, Laws i. 6-16 D,
T+Y moXircLw (mXirsla here=noXhsvpn) is contrasted as the c~l!~~.
live government ’ with ai dpxai, ‘ the indiiidual magistrates.’ Yet in
the context, both preceding and following, the word has the inore
general meaning of a ‘ form of goiernment ’ or constitution.’
- I. ;v piv ou’v i~ &TW TO~TW.
roGrw, out of all the qualified persons,’ all those referred to in
the two previous sentences T&U ~X~UTWU npipnra r?hrra;ra &UTf w.r.1.
or T&U i,ydwov paKph riprjpma.
In what follons the dJ’nnsiiu is the exclusive hereditary oligarchy,
ruling wirhoiit law.
- For the forms of these hereditary oligarchies and the dangers
to which they are exposed, cp. v. 6. $ 3. We may remark that,
though the most common, they are not included in ilristotle’s
definition of oligarchy (iii. c. 8).
- For the forms of these hereditary oligarchies and the dangers
- Th Tph PLKPd 7TXfOUfKTO;VXS Wap’ dhhjhWV.
Not accurate, for the meaning is, not that the two encroach 011
one another, but that the dominant party encroaches on the other.
The form of a constitution is here supposed to be at variance
xith its spirit and practice. Thus England might be said to be 3
monarchy once aristocratically, now democratically administered;
France a republic in which some of the methods of imperialism
survive (cp. note on c. 1. 8 8); while in Prussia the spirit of ab-
lute monarchy carries on a not unequal contest with representatire
- Th Tph PLKPd 7TXfOUfKTO;VXS Wap’ dhhjhWV.
- 61; T&Jl TOiS KT@/Af’VOlS ?lfUTL P€TiXfLV,
Omitted by II2 (i. e. the MSS. of the second family except P’) and
Aretino’s translation, bracketed by Bekker in both editions, is a
repetition or pleonasm of the previous thought, though not on that
- 61; T&Jl TOiS KT@/Af’VOlS ?lfUTL P€TiXfLV,