- TOJS piv ybp yCpowns aipoirurar, 7;)s s' i$opcias pcr;Xotmv.
1.e. 'The people choose the elders, but are not eligible them.
Whether they eleclyrj
We are only told that ille
- TOJS piv ybp yCpowns aipoirurar, 7;)s s' i$opcias pcr;Xotmv.
pelves ; and they share in the Ephoralty.'
the Ephors is nowhere expressly said.
mode of election was extremely childish (ii. 9. 9 23).
- I. inrr6r) Kai m;r?u ri6tpsv ~iv mhirciHv TL pL;pos.
Tyranny is and is not 2 form of polity, in the sense in which tilc
word ' polity' is used by hristotle. Cp. c. 8. 9 2, rehcwraiov 6; repi
rwpavuL6os caoydv iori 7rorjaau8oi puciuu 8th r6 vacriu +ima raCrqv cLl
nohLrdau, tjpiv 6; r$v p;eoGov &ai arp; Irohircias.
- ncpi piv oh fiacrrXsl'as Gtopiuaptv c'v Tois apdroks Xdyors, iu oL ncpi njc
Either ' royalty * commonly so called,' or ' the most truly called
pdXtma Xeyo~hvqs @aorhsLs imio6pt8a rljv UK~+U.
royalty,' which would seem to be the ro,uPnnLhci'n. Cp. iii. c. 16.
- I. riva Kai IrlBcu &i Kir8tarC1vuh, xai nzs.
Two slightly different senses are here combined in 6ti, I) nht
we ought to establish,' and z), incorrectly, ' how or by what rne311,
we may or must e-tablish it.'
- rupavut'6os 6' ~iSq 860 uiv GrcAopw Zv o?s nrpi pauihtiae 2ncuKorio+cv.
Sc. iii. 14. $5 6-10. The two forms of tyranny there mentionetl
are the hereditary monarchy of barbarians, and the Aesyrnnetia of
ancient Hellas. The barbarian monarchs are here called elected
sovereigns, though before spoken of as hereditary (iii. 14. $ 6), and
contrasted with the elected Aesymnetes of ancient Eellas: wih
whom they are here compared.
- rupavut'6os 6' ~iSq 860 uiv GrcAopw Zv o?s nrpi pauihtiae 2ncuKorio+cv.
- (sib rb r$v %iifaprv haXhdrrw AWE a;rtv Kai npbs T~V PauiXcinv.
Not 'because their powers in a manner change into one another,
and pass into royalty ; ' for the iyords ' change into one another'
would not be a reason why they should be spoken of in conneston
with royalty, but ' because the power of either of these forms Of
tyranny easily passes likewise into royalty ;' likewise i. e. besides
being forms of tyranny. For the use of ~V~~~~TTELV, cp. vi. 1. $ 3.
and i. 6. 3.
- (sib rb r$v %iifaprv haXhdrrw AWE a;rtv Kai npbs T~V PauiXcinv.
- souai;ra 6th rBr eipqpdvag alrias,
ti,,vp;uas, sc. in the previous sentences. 'There is more than
- souai;ra 6th rBr eipqpdvag alrias,