(Wang) #1

h‘OTES, BOOK IV. 1 I. 169
inconsistent with himself; for he also says (Lyc. 3) that Lycurgus
reigned for eight months, and resigned the royal office when the
infant Charilaus was born.
*E?[ 62 Kai r8v Lv E/J.ov~? ~OVOVOV 1:s ‘EXXciBos rpAs riv rap’ 11. I 8, I 9.
,,;TO;S iK&poc soirrtiav chophirovrcs oi pLIv 6r)poKparias iv rais sd)\tur
Ko~;~rauav, oi 6’ dhiynpxias, 06 spbs rb ri)v rdXsou wp$ipou (TKO~O~~UTCS
;XA& rpbs ri, u+ircpov u6riv. Bmc 6i(i rahs T&S airias 4 #TOTE
iV +WV yivrueai roXirtiav ij dhiycixis Kai rap’ ihiyois.
Cp. Thuc. i. 19, 76, 99, 144, iii. 82 and elsenhere.
r~v iv ,jyepov~‘~ ycvopi‘vou. Either of the leading states, opposed
10 iu TQ~S r6Xrut the states of Hellas generally.
yirp dv+ uuvcsf;uerl pdvos npdTEpov [;+a +,yppov~p ypvopcvwu] 11. I 9.
Taliqv dao8oGvar ~dgtv.
The variety of opinions entertained by commentators rcspecting
the person here alluded to, who has been supposed to be Lycurgus
(Zeller), Theopompus (Sepulveda), Solon (Schlosser), Pittacus
(Goettling), Phaleas (St. Hilaire), Gel0 (Camerarius), the king Pau-
sanias I1 (Congreve), Epaminondas (Eaton), Alexander the Great
(Zeller formerly), seems to prove that we knoxv nothing for certain
about him. Of the various claimants Solon is the most probable.
He is regarded by Aristotle (ii. 12. $$ 1-6) as a sort of consenatibe
democrat, the founder of a balanced polity, whom he contrasts with
Pericles and the later Athenian demagogues (cp. Solon Frag. 5,
%liy p2v y2p Z6oKa rduov K~~TOS ~“UUOU &rrapwi). The omission of the
name, and the words ri)~ rpdrfpov, tend to show that a well known
and traditional legislator is meant. Yet it might be argued also
that the phrase TZU i+’ {~E~OV~F ytvop.ivov seems to describe some
one holding the position of Lysander or Philip of RIacedon in
Hellas, rather than the legislator of any single city.
If ‘one man ’ only gave this form of constitution to Hellas it
must have been rare indeed or rather imaginary, cp. supra C. 7.
8 1, 6th But how is this to be
reconciled with C. 8. $ 8?
For hl CP. oi iri TOYS
n&’Pamrv. But are not the words a copyist’s repetition of

pj VOXX~K~S yivdar XavBdvivti.

i$ b+wlv yrvopiuov, ‘ the leading men.’
h hwip 1 tvopivov above?
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