(Wang) #1

I j0 AR~~TOTLE s iwLriTiTcs.

rainy dnosotvar r+ rd&v. Not necessarily ' to restore ' or p
back' but more simply 'to give what is suitable, assign,' like [.;
ti~ov~ypd@oi] drro8ibdvsss T~V ;%av pop$<v, Poet. 15, 1454 b. IO.

    1. rls p2v ottu bpioq noXirrLa, mi st& ~iv' aidav.
      Here, as limited in 4 I, ipi~r? TaL aXdornis ndhrai.
      8th riv' airinr, i. e. the moderation and stability of the state, cr
      v. 1. 5 16 \There it is implied that the safety of democracy is du,;
      to its approximation to the piu? 7ioXircia.

    1. hiyo 6i rb apbs hd6caiv, &i aoXXdKis 0i;uqs dhhqs XOh~Tckns aipfn-
      rc'pas ;&is oie& Kwhiari uup@pciv irdpav pihXov cc'vai aoXiTriav.
      ' It may often happen that some constitution may be preferabie [i!i
      itself] and some other better suited to the peculiar circumstance..
      of some state.'
      apbs 6adOruiu here (as in c. 1. Q 4) means any supposed or piw;
      constitution, which may not be the best possible under the circuni-
      stances, but is the one to be preferred, in some states of society.

    1. ;u%xcrai^82 r; piv noibr ladpxciv &py p+i T~S adhros, 2f iv UL~;.
      m?wr prpiv i TrdXlS.

clause ll Eu K.T.~. is explanatory of iripy pipci=iripy riv p'~p&s.

' Kamely to one of those parts which make up the state ' j t!w

    1. 0"riou Lncpixcc ri, T~V d~dpov ahi6os riv eipvpivqv dvaXoyiav.
      'When the poor esceed in number the [due] proportion im-
      plied in the last xords.'
      12.3. rai rijs dhiyapxias riiv aCrbv rpdaou &aarov ~20s Karh rtv ii7irpnxiy
      TO; ~X~YCI~XLKO; aXj60vs.
      s And in like manner (not only oligarchy in general, but) eah
      sort of oligarchy varies according to the predominance of each
      sort of oligarchical population (sc. 6 Crrdpxci aCrfj).

    1. aavm);o; 82 aiurdraros 6 Biairrjrjs, Giairrjrjs 6' 6 piuos.
      The middle class are the arbiters between the extremes Oi
      oligarchy and democracy.
      plnos, this is probably meant in the same sense in which 8i~o~
      is said to be a mean because it fixes a mean, Cp. Nic. Eth. YG 5

dprraiv, &hi' o"ri pc'uou lariv, and v. 4. $ 7, ~ib ~i 6rou &p+iut%T~~"'~

When Aristotle calls the arbiter

4 17, 6 8; 8LKnruviv?) prudrvs iuriv 0; sbv a;rdv rpdnov rais ~rpdrf~~"
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