(Wang) #1


    1. rh 8' aha rhs dp~& 8rorKrb aipcr;s ou'uas, &as Iv8&Erat' TO^^;^^^ 8
      dub Buns (;pxciv dvayraiov rols isrrmapdvous.
      The words Buns ivAlxerar can only mean as many elective offices
      as can be allowed to exist in a democracy consistently with the
      democratic principle of electing the magistrates by lot.' The
      excepted magistracies .sill be those in which special skill or knou..
      ledge is required, Cp. vi. 2. 8 5, 71) Khqporhr &ai T~S &pXhs 3 i;d,,nc
      fi 0"uor pi +nrrp[as Ge'owar rai rlxv~s. Susemihl has introduced ~1~~~.
      rhs O~K before ivB;XfTaL=OIUns OCK IvS~Xx'ruL KblfOThS &ai. TOL~;~~~ 6'
      riuiv referring to aipfrds. But the change has no 51.5. authority, an!i
      though ingenious is unnecessary.

    1. fin. 0"rav 82 p$ ~hvrcs roc /3ovh&dar peTldXuuiv dhh' alperoi, Karh V+UV 6'

Opposed to the milder XOXLTLK~ dhiyapXia in the previous sentence,
and repeated nith greater emphasis in the words which folloiv dhl-
ynpxcriv dvayltaiov CTvai T+J rd&v rahpv ($ 9). pr) ndvrrs, i. e. ' not all
bvho possess the required qualification].' Yet these latter nords,
\\-hich are necessary to the sense, are wanting in the text.

Compare for several verbal resemblances, supra c. 5.
riv 62 BAhov I;P,yovres, KU(~ o6ror aipfrd fi lth~p~oi.
For in an aristocracy or oligarchy, as in a democracy, a mapi-

~PXOULV bUXfp Kd RpdT€pOV, dhLyUpXLKdV.

  1. S-IO.
    14. IO.

strate might be elected by lot, but only out of a select class.

  1. IO. dpiurorparia p2v nohirck~.
    14ristocracp is elsewhere said to include numbers, wealth, 2nd
    virtue; here the ariscocratical element seems to reside in the
    magistrates who have superior merit, and control the \Thole
    administration of the state escept mar, peace, and the taking Of
    Compare c. 7. $ 3; c. 8. $$ 3, 9, in which the near connexioa
    between aristocracy and polity is pointed out.

  2. I I. 6iipqrar piv 01% rb /3ovhsvdpfvov ~phs rhs roXirshs rohv rdV rPd~o"~
    Kai SLOLKC~ &iq soXcrda Kd T~V cipvp'hvov Stoprop6v.
    Kar& rbv rlppp'ivov Srop~~~pdv, i. e. each constitution will be variously
    administered according to some one of the principles on which

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