(Wang) #1
A~OTES, BOOK rv. 15. I75
[he governing body is elected, e.g. out of some, or out of all; and
acting either according to law, or without law, etc.
atocKti has been changed into 6ioIuci and Grorrttirat, for which
lntter there is perhaps the authority of Moerbeke, who reads dis-
po,z~/l~~. But no change is needed. For use Of BLOLKC;~, cp. v. 10. $ 36.

(Np+;pfr 6; GVpoKpar[q rfj pdXiur’ e& ~OKO~Q 6qpuKpadq v;v K.T.X.
Aristotle remembering the short life of the extreme democracy
nhich is above law, proposes various ways of strengthening or
moderating it; he would have the notables take part in the
assemblg; and he would enforce their attendance by the impo-
sition of penalties analogous to the fines which the oligarchy
inflict on judges for neglect of their duties. (Cp. v. cc. 8, 9 on
the preserving principles of state.)
Of the advantage of combining the few with the many there can
be no question : but mill the upper classes ever be induced to take
an active part in a democracy? They have not done so in France
or America ; may we hope that they will in England?

Ur;otAqpoih TUGS rXrinvs. 14. 13.
Le. he on whom the lot fell was not included, but excluded
until the numbers were sufficiently reduced.
nipoiurab 6; Kd npruprurai.
‘Even ambassadors, whom we might be more inclined to call
magistrates, and who are elected by lot, are hcprjv rr rap6 rhc VOX[-

I TkKhc dp~dc.’

dXXh racra Gra+;ptr npbs piv rhs Xp+s oi&v &E finr;v’ 06 ydp TW 15. 4.
Kph ykyouev +#,cuaqrobvrwv rrpi roc dvdparos. ?p 6; rri ahhqv Stavoq-
T~K+IV rpaypartiav.
i Verbal questions, such as the definition of an office, are of no
Practical importance, although some intellectual interest may attach
to them.’ dhhqw is redundant.
PCX~ 8v rrs ciroprjucrc.

  1. e. rather than dispute about the name.
    15. 5.

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