(Wang) #1
-VOTES, BOOK /V. '5. 177
in the next clause shows this way of taking the passage to be inad-
Bekker (2nd Edit.) after Victorius reads Biaq5opai for T& bra$opolr.

&v 4 r&v rrpo,8o;hov* ahr, yiip 06 8r)p~part~ij. 15. 11.
?rpdf~~Xor, as he says vi. 8. $ I 7, are oligarchical officers, because
they alone have the initiative, and, therefore, the people cannot of
themselves make any change in the constitution ; supra c. 14. $ 14.

&T; 6' Oi h$Opdr K.7.h. 16. I 4- I 8.
The meaning of the text may be illustrated by the following
scheme :-

0; ~pis $pm.

0; s;$eKa rpdao1.

rd ~2v KA~~Q.
rd p2v IK navrwv.

rd 81 alppiarr.
7d 82 4K rrvirv.

All, or some, or all and some, elect out of all, or some, Or Out of
all and some, by vote or by lot ; or by vote and by lot.

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