(Wang) #1
.VOTES, BOOK IV. 15. ’79
ra&ov B’ ai piu 860 ..+.A.
The vote is considered less democratical than the lot : both are
admissible in a democracy, but it is essential to its very nature
that all should elect. If any limitation takes place the government
becomes an aristocracy or a polity, which alike tend to oligarchy
in SO far as they reduce the number of electors or of persons who
ae eligible, though differing in other respects. When some only
appoint, in whatever manner, out of all, or all out of some, and
[he elections do not take place all at once (dpo, i.e. when the
governing body retire by rotation), we have a constitutional govern-
ment, which inclines to an aristocracy when the two opposite
principles of some out of some ’ and ‘some out of all ’ are com-
bined. The high oligarchical doctrine is ‘some out of some, by
voie or by lot or by both,’ the lot being employed in an oligarchy,
as in a democracy, to exclude favour or merit. Cp. v. 3. $ 9.

IS. 19.

yiwruh. 16. 19.
If genuine, is used in a pregnant sense=KdimauOar, the con-
struction being changed from the active, which is resumed in the
clause which follows, to the neuter or passive. Though the word
appears to disturb the sentence, it is found in all the MSS.
dh~yop~~xircpov.8i ~fli rb r.$ dp+ob. 15. 20.
dp+oiu seems naturally to mean T~S piu ;K ndurov, T~S 81 i~ TLV~U,
cp. 4 19 fin. But if so the same words which here describe the
oligarchical government, are applied in the next sentence to the
polity or constitutional government which inclines to aristocracy.
Nor can any reason be given why the election ‘out of all and out
of some ’ should be 6 more oligarchical’ than the election out of
some. Another way of taking the words is to explain ;[ C;p$oiv as
a double election. But in this passage ;E is always used to intro-
duce the persons out of whom the election is made; and therefore
4 44& could not=cip+oip. Some corruption of the text is
Probable; the numerous repetitions are likely to have confused
the eye of the copyist. ~b i~ TLV~U &$oiu is the ingenious and
Probably true emendation of Mr. Evelyn Abbott. If‘ the principle
Of ‘ Some out of some ’ is maintained, the election in both ways,
vote out of persons elected by lot, or by lot out Of persons



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