(Wang) #1

elected by vote, would clearly be more Oligarchical than the slnlplr
eiection by vote or by lot.


    1. p) ytvdpfvou^8 dpoios,
      sc. dhryapXrK6v. These words which are translated in the text
      ' though not equally oligarchical if taken by lot ' would be better
      rendered ' and equally oligarchical if not appointed by lot ' (Staiir):
      that is to say, whether appointed by vote or by lot they would
      equally retain their oligarchical character, if some &'ere chosen Out
      of some. p$ must be taken with yrv6prvou.

    1. TlV& i~ rrudv cip$oiv.
      ' In both ways,' SC.
      riua 62 riui uupqipri KQ~ mis 6ri yivdar rhs mraurdutrs +a rair

Neither the reading nor the meaning of this passage is quite
certain. Some MSS. and the old translation omit* Kai before T~YCS,
thus referring rhts du;v to Guvdptur. If with Bekker and several
MSS. we retain ai before TbfS club, the words may receive differ-
ent interpretations. Either I), 'how to establish them and ahat
their powers and their nature are will be manifest,' Le. need no
explanation ; or 2), ' we shdl know how to establish them and their
nature when we know their powers.'

Ka'r aip&rob.

    1. $UYC$EUL T6V dpX&V dUfS fbb, ;UTUl $uUfpdV.

16.3. rb iv Qprarroi 6txamrjprov.
Nothing certain is known about this court; it is here spoken
oi only as a matter of tradition. The cases of which it took
cognizance were rare, and therefore it is not strange that the court
which tried them should have become obsolete. According to
Pausanias (i. 28. $ 12) Phreattys was a spot in the Piraeus near
the sea, whither banished persons, against whom some fresh
accusation was brought after their banishment, went to defend
themselves out of a ship before judges who were on the land.
This explanation is repeated by several of the scholiasts; but
Aristotle, with much greater probability, supposes the banished
man to offer himself for trial of the original offence. So in Plat.
Laws ix. 866 D, a law is proposed, probably founded on Some
ancient custom, that the banished homicide, if wrecked upon his
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