(Wang) #1


repented, and to have gone on an embassy to Athens petitionin:
for peace (Thucyd. iii. 4). Such stories as this about DoxandCr
have been common in modern as sell as in ancient history; they
are very likely to be invented, but may sometimes be true.


4, ,. Mnason, according to Timaeus, ms the friend of Aris:otle
(Athenaeus vi. p. 264).

  1. 8.^4 iv 'Apdy ~dyy PovX; doKrp<uaua iv rois M+CKO;S.
    According to Plut. Themistocles c. 10 Aristotle narrated that i at
    the time [of the battle of Salamis] when the Athenians had nc,
    public resources the council of the Areopagus gave to each sliIor
    a sum of eight drachmas and thus enabled the triremes to be
    manned.' Whether such a statement was really to be found ill
    Aristotelian writings, perhaps in the Polities to which it is com-
    monly ascribed, or whether Plutarch is confusing the more genernl
    statement of Aristotle contained in this passage with information
    which he had derived from some other source, is uncertain.

  2. S. uuvTovrm/pau xoituai njv mX1miav.
    cp. iv. 3. $ 8, dhlYaPXlK?lS /LiV ThS LTUYTOVOT~paS KUi a'fUTOTlKUT;,JflS,
    T&S 6' durip;vnr ~al ~uX~K~S 6qporrKds, sc. voXmius. U~MOVOE niem
    the more highly pitched note given by the greater tension of dit
    string, and hence the stricter and more rigid form of government.

    1. d VaUrlKtr &XOP y~v6pwor a&ror ris nrp'r EaXapba Y;K~S Kai 8d sahs
      mjp $yapovias Si& T$V Karh BdXarrav SSvaprv, ~ljv GqpoKpadav ;UXl'pOr;,Jfl~
      6rA rahqs, SC. rjs V~K~S, by means of this victory.'
      rjs Gycpoulas, sc. aZrros ycvdprvos. 6th KaTA BLiiarrav 6;uaptv fd-

Plut. Arijt. 22 says that after the battle of Salamis Aristiiies
extended the right of voting to the fourth class. He had alrend!'
mentioned in c. 13 that many of the higher classes had fallen inlo
poverty j they would therefore have been degraded but for [hs
extension. The merits and sufferings of all classes in the \mr
were a natural justification of such a measure. The nobility and
the common people vied vith one another in their defence Of

IOWS +js Gyrpovias.
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