(Wang) #1

.;.p mi 70;s ci(rplms. 6. a.
1.e. for the animals, for the body, for the female sex, for rb
ra&lsudu fipwu ~ijs Jntxijc, to which he has just referred as inferiors.
Slb Kd dxhw &dW. 6.9.
Because he is by nature capable of belonging to another, he
does belong to another.'
rh $p Wha {+a 06 Xdyov aiueawdpva, &Ah ra6rjpacrtu hqpc~ci' .ai 4 6.9.

'The difference between the slave and the animal is that the
slave can apprehend reason but the animal cannot; the use of
them is much the same.'
Aristotle is chiefly dwelling on the resemblance between the
slave and the animal : but in noting the difference, he has not duly
subordinated it to the general tone of the passage. Hence an
awkwardness in the connection.

Xpda 82 rapaMdrrrr p~pdv.

BohXtrar piu otw 4 #his Kai rh uhpara c?ra+lpowa no& rh rcjw 6. IO.
cXcv&pow Kai rEv BoiXov, rh piw iuxvph rpbs rrjw iwayxaiaw Xpiutw, rh 8'
GPeh xai axpqura rppbs rhs roradras ipyauias, &Ah pjurpa rpds roXirurdv
LOW (&os 6i mi yhar 8inpqpivos ds TC TOXC~IK~W xpchw Kai rrjw
dpytmjr), crvppa~rcr Bd rroAAdxts xai rotwaurlov, TO^ p2u rh &pi ZXW
~h~e&wv rob bd T~E #vxds'.
'Nature would in fact like, if she could, to make a difference
between the bodies of freemen and slaves... but her intention is
not always fulfilled; for some men have the bodies and some the
soafsof freemen:' that is to say, they are deficient in the other
half. The bodies of freemen and the souls of freemen are found
indifferently among freemen and slaves: or, referring rob0 p1w to
the freemen and 106s 81 to the slaves : ' the one (the freemen) may
have the bodies only of freemen, i. e. the souls of slaves, the others
(the slaves) may have the souls of freemen.'
awBIpw must be taken both with u&paru and +&.
hlmx expresses, first of all, ' intention ' or ' design ;' secondly,
' tendency.' The personal language easily passes into the imper-
sonal. Cp. for the use of @&Ao~Lu Nic. Eth. v. 8. $ 14, ,3oShcrcu
ILip.~v mor, sc. rb udpupa, and infra c. 12. 0 2. For the general
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