(Wang) #1
IVOTES, BOOK 2. 12. 37
0:ov Xdpqrr si. 11. 7.
s,j is to be taken with ofov like aos 84, oih 6$, Kai 64 with a
slight emphasis, and sometimes with a word interposed, e.g. Kd
lr~oirg 64, Nic. Eth. iv. 1. 8 6.
edxco roc MiXqoh. 11. 8.
Thales is referred to in the Nic. Eth. vi. 7. 6 5 and by Plato in
the Theaetetus (p.^174 A) as a type of the unpractical philosopher.
6 But even he could have made a fortune, if he had pleased.’
7vyXdvti 82 ~a6dXov ri dv.
Cp. $12. The device attributed to Thales is only an application


of the general principle of creating a monopoly.
;&XPL pd.vos, 06 lroXXrjv roiiuas kq$o)ljv K.T.X. 11. 11.
Le. he bought up all the iron when it was very cheap, and
having a monopoly sold it rather, but not very, dear.
ilpapa edXto. 11. 12.
+a,un, which is the reading of all the MSS., is used in the meta-
phorical sense of ‘ idea ’ here required, only in Pseudo-Demosthenes,

  1. 26, perhaps a sufficient authority for the meaning of a word.

* czpqpa (Camerarius) : 6tipqpa (Coraes) : 6p6p (Prof. Campbell)

may be suggested. Cp. Plat. Theaet. 150 A.
imi 61 rpla p‘cpq, K.T.X. la. I.
The apodosis is lost; the suppressed thought that ‘all three parts
are concerned with man ’ is resumed in the next chapter.
uai y&p yuvaidp Bppv *ai T~KV~Y. 12. I.
Sc. rdv &%pa. Supply for the construction either qv p~‘pos oiuovo-
wris or rZpqmr airtiv from the preceding words.

;& ZUOV y&p &ai $odXerai njv @uiv Kai 8ia+pfiv pqeiv. 8ps a;, 12. 2.
o*rav rb pGv 4x9 r~ 8 Zpxqrat, +? Bcac#ophv &ai rtai upjpaai uni h6yocs
Ud ripak, &orrp mi ‘~p~rp &f
Boihai sc. 4 roXirda or 4 roXisrrnj 6~x4, understood from h raic
rohKa;s 6pxnis : ‘ where there is a roXtrria, political equality is
implied. All other differences, such as titles of honour, are
temporary and official only.’ The construction of [+ may be
similarly explained. Or both may be taken impersonally.

rrpi 70; ao%nvim$pos xdyov.
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