(Wang) #1
A'OTES, BOOK 11. a. 43
Criticisms of Plato in Aristotle.' Both in the essay and in the
I have hen much indebted to Susemihl.
s< $V alriav +qu; Gtiu vtuopo9tnjudai rh rpdnov ro;rou 6 h~pL;~tp, oh 2. I.
+aiuriai uvp$aiuov C)K rGv Xdyo~.
;irdpXtiv, As pe'u EipqTar vtv, d86uarou.

;ri 62 ~pbp sb T~XOE 8 +qui sjj rro'xrc Gtiv
ni)s 6; 6ci SLEXE~V oC62v GiLprurai.
6; $u airlau, SC. unity.
6 The argument of Socrates does not show that these enactments
are to be approved for the reason which he gives [viz. as tending
to unity] ; and, regarded as a means to the end which he attributes
io the state, unless some new explanation of them is offered, they
are impossible.' Bernays places a comma after spdr, which he
takes with k: cp. rrph TO~TOLT &r (Neteorol. i. 8, 346 a. IO) ; rrpbs
8; ;TL (Herod. iii. 74). The construction is thus made simpler;
but the adverbial use of spipbo hardly ever occurs in Aristotle.
9 JIoreover, the end, viz. unity, which he attributes to the state upon
his oxvn shoving is impossible.'
The first of these propositions, rb plau 8rr p6Xiura &ai riv rrdXiv
is discussed in the remainder of this chapter,-the second at the
commencement of chapter 3.
as it is
actually described.' Cp. infra c. 5. $ 23, UCU YE oC62v Grrjpiurai.
62 6ci SLEXE~. Sc. rb TiXos, or generally what Plato means
by unity.'
For the use of GicXriv in the sense of ' *to interpret,' cp. Herod.
vii. 16, ci ai +a prj iUT1 ro;ro r0r0;io ob iy& Giaipi'u, dXXd TL TO; etos
pc+ou, ui s& abrb ouXXa,%v CZpqKas. Bid& may also be taken in
the more common sense of ' to distinguish,' i.e. how we are to dis-
tinguish or define unity and plurality (cp. iii. 13. $ 6 : ci GI) TAU dpi6-

hr pb FIpqrai UVU, 'as it is described in his book,' or

P~V cfcu iXiyor rrdprrau oi rrju dprrr)u ixnvrrs, riva 6ri GrcXriv rbv rpdnov;).
06 yhp ylucsai rrd~ie ;[ dpoiov. 2. 3.
The equality among citizens which is elsewhere (iii. 16. $ z ; iv.

  1. $ 8 ; vii. 8. $ 4) said to be the true and natural principle, is not
    inconsistent with a difference of character and of pursuits.
    BIOiO~C 62 Ti roi&y Kai xdkir Z6'8vovs, kav pi xarh ~hpp &at KEXWPLU- 2. 3.
    ~(~01 rb x~i~os, O'XX' olov 'A~K~sE~.
    The clause 8rav pi x.7.A. may be a description either I)* of the

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