(Wang) #1

~VOTES, BOOK Ir. 4. 49
tv 061~iv hrdv iurr ylvcudai lrpbs raripas Kai prlripar' rai ro6s p$ 4. I.
R+po rjg uty-ytvchs dvras, Omcp rpbs robs bodrr.
' Crimes of violence are worse in the republic of Plato because
they are attended with impiety, and they are more likely to be
committed because natural relationships are undiscoverable.' Aris-
totle here mixes up Plato's point of view and his own. He does
not remark that Plato having abolished family relations is not really
chargeable with the occurrence of offences which arise out of them.
Perhaps he would have retorted that the natural relationship could
not be thus abolished.

*ai ytvopivov, rib p& yvopr&rov iu6;xcrai r&s vopi(opivao y;vcot)ac 4. I.
Ahis, T&V 82 pqGcpiav.
T~Y 82 is opposed to rfv ph, though not parallel with it='but in
ihe other case,' as if rfv piv without yuopi&rou had preceded. 01
a comma may be placed after riv p&, and yvopi&rov may be
separated from it. 'And when offences take place, in the one case
men having knowledge of them, the customary expiations-may be
made, in the other case they cannot.'

n"ro?rov 62 Kai r& Koruois roi$uayTa robs uiobo rb uvucivai pdvov dr#JrXriv 4. 2.
T~V ;PLMOV, rb 8' ;pi% pi KDXirUal, 11762 T&S xp<uc~p T&S Whas, bs rarpi
npbs ui&u cbar ralvrov tu& drpdurarov rta'r ci%cX#+ lrpbs d%cX$dw* irci
rai rb 2p6v p'dvov.
The instance quoted, sarp'r rpbs uidu, shews that the reference is
to Rep. iii. 403, but Aristotle has been hasty or forgetful in his
citation. Plato does not say that he will allow the practice of
lovers to prevail between father and son, or brother and brother,
but that the endearments of lovers shall be only such as might be
practised without offence between members of the same family. rb
;pip evidently in the lover's sense of the word.

&Kt %; $XOV K.7.k. 4. 4.
' If the legislator desire to keep the inferior classes in a state of
\veakness, and communism is a source, not of strength, but of
weakness, then it is better adapted to them than to the guardians '-
that is, according to Aristotle's view of communism, not Plato's.
cP. vii. 9. 8 ; c. 10. $ 13 where he argues that the legislator should
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