(Wang) #1
.q?'OTES, ROOK 1Z. 5. 51
E~~~~;ov ;pa+s o;i' ZUTW dXX' 9 czs p6vos, rai odror ciyaavrds, ~~pi~p
6 E~+~~~UKOU Kai @arvapirrlr: and Rhet. i. 7, 1365 b. 19, oix ?uq

dq,,jp,p : also Homer (Odyssey ii. 365) poCvos ihv ciya?n)rdr. Com-
pare the English 'dear.' Or, more simply, dy~~q~bv may also be
taken as answering to +Xciv: ' men love an object which is natu-

(&a, $v 71s ri)v &fp&p6aXpov rU@hUg Kai Thv 6; ;xovra' dyanqzhv yip

.z rally to be loved.'

rai xdxiv oi rap8 TOTS +dhaftv [&I rods aXXous IroXiras. 4. IO.
Aristotle is referring to the case of the citizens xvho pass from
one rank to another. Those who are raised to the condition of
the guardians and those who are degraded from it have both lost
the natural relationships of brothers and sisters, parents and chil-
dren. But the natural relations still exist although the names of
them have disappeared; and therefore they are now less likely to be
respected. Here again Aristotle is confusing his own point of view
xvith that of Plato.
aaph rok +;Xa&v must be explained as a confusion of rest and
motion, lit. those who [having been transferred from the other
citizens] are now among the guardians.' The words tis TOAS UXXXous
nohiras have been explained as a pleonasm='in relation to the
other citizens ' (06 apouayopr6ouuiv dS~h+o&, K.T.~.), ' they do not call
them brothers.' But the use of EIE in a different sense in two suc-
cessive lines is objectionable. It is possible that the words cis rods
~hXous ?roXlras are an error of the copyist, xvho may have repeated
the words of the previous line. The omission of cis (which is
lvanting in Rloerbeke and in two good hISS., Ill*. PI, but inserted
as a correction in one of them, and found in all the rest) is the best
ls'ay of amending the passage.






ndrcpou.. T& 7s KT<UCLS ~orvbs &ai @Xriov iui rhs Xp+xis. 5. 2.
These words are a statement of the general question which is
afterwards subdivided into three cases, though the carelessness of
the language might at first sight lead to the inference that Aristotle
is putting the third case only. Hence Bernays has been led, un-
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