(Wang) #1
in the relation of the sexes, and is very far from allowing his
guardians to indulge in sensuality.

  1. I I. E~T~~UWVOS piu oh^4 rotah vopoBcoia KQ; @rXdvBponos hv ctvar
    8d&Lcv* 6 yhp ciKpobpcuor fiupcvos Limtjixcrar, uopi(ov :ucoBar +Xiau
    TLV& Baupnmjv aCur apds ~"VQU~QS, WXos rc Ka; $TW KQT~YOP~ TLS rfv vtv
    ;?rnpXf$VTOV iU 70;s 7iOXLTfillLF KaKfV IS YlUOpt'UOU 6lh rb /I$ KOll'ljV f?UQL T$V
    O~U~QU, XCyo 62 6iuap rc spbs dhX<hovs Tcpi uu@uhalov K& #cwSoppru-
    pLfV KpiUfIS Kd nXouaiou KOhQKfiQP.
    The flow and regularity of this sentence remind US of the
    opening of Book vii, noticed by Bernays. Cp. for a similar regu-
    larity supra c. 1.
    Mankind quickly become enamoured of socialistic theories,
    especially when they are interspersed with attacks on existing
    institutions. Cp. Plat. Rep. v. 464, 465; iv. 425.

    1. &v oi82v )ivcroi 8rh T$U 2Kowoquiau dhhh 6rh T+ ,uoXBrpiau.
      A similar unwillingness to ascribe to institutions what is due to
      human nature may be remarked elsewhere: e.g. c. 7. 5 8, iri 6' cZ
      rrs KLI~ riv pcrpiau rd&icv o6uiav ~~ULU, oi%& o"@tXo;. p&bv yhp 6c; rhs
      c'nrPupiar dpdi[cw $ rhs oiuias K.T.X.
      The emphatic negative fu 03iu yivcrai for d 06 y;vcrac is curious.
      dhXh Bmpotpcu &Xiyous rou, i~ rfu KOWUVL~U Sia+cpophous npbs BOX-
      Xois m~p&iXXourcs rois K~K~~~VOUS i8ia rhs Krrjucis.
      To what Aristotle may be alluding is not very clear. He may
      have remarked that there were more quarrels among Pythagorean
      sects, as well as among friends who had become fellow-travellers,
      than among other men. A similar reflection has often been made
      on the religious communities of later times. Or he may be referr-
      ing to disputes arising in 'guilds' or 'clubs,' or partnerships in
      business. Gra@cpopCvour is to be repeated with Kfrt?7)p&OUS. The
      meaning is that the owners of common property are comparatively
      few, and that therefore their quarrels, though relatively more
      frequent, do not so often come under our notice.

  2. I 2.

    1. dhXh 6ci ?rXijBor o"u, emcp c7pTrar appdrcpuu, 616 njv cai6cIav KDLV;IV rrai
      pinu rrorciv.
      Aristotle takes up a position half way between the communism

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