The New Complete Book of Food
Cholesterol and Saturated Fat Content of Selected Cheeses
Cheese Serving Cholesterol (mg) Saturated fat (g)
American oz. 25 5.3
Blue/Roquefort oz. 21 5.3
Camembert wedge 27 5.8
Cheddar oz. 30 6.0
Cottage cheese
creamed cup 25–34 6.0–6.4
uncreamed cup 10 0.4
part skim oz. 15 3.1
whole milk oz. 22 3.7
Muenster oz. 27 5.4
Swiss oz. 26 5.0
Source: USDA, Nutritive Value of Foods, Home and Garden Bulletin No. 72 (USDA, 1989).
All cheeses, except cottage cheese, are good sources of vitamin A. Orange and yellow
cheeses are colored with carotenoid pigments, including bixin (the carotenoid pigment in
annatto) and synthetic beta-carotene.
Hard cheeses are an excellent source of calcium; softer cheeses are a good source;
cream cheese and cottage cheese are poor sources. The RDA for calcium is 1,000 mg for a
woman, 1,200 mg for a man, and 1,500 mg for an older woman who is not on hormone-
replacement therapy. All cheese, unless otherwise labeled, is high in sodium.
Calcium Content of Cheese
Cheese Serving Calcium (mg)
Blue oz. 150
Camembert wedge 147
Cheddar oz. 204
Cottage cheese
creamed cup 135
uncreamed cup 46
Muenster oz. 203
Pasteurized processed American oz. 174
Parmesan grated tbsp. 69
Provolone oz. 214
Swiss oz. 272
Source: Nutritive Value of Foods, Home and Gardens Bulletin No. 72 (USDA, 1989).