The New Complete Book of Food

(Kiana) #1

Buying This Food

Look for: Plump, firm, well-colored currants. Gooseberries, which are members of the same
species as currants, should have a slight golden blush.

Avoid: Sticky packages of currants or berries, moldy fruit, or fruit with lots of stems and

Storing This Food

Refrigerate ripe currants or gooseberries and use them within a day or so. Dried currants can
be stored at room temperature in an air- and moisture-proof package.

Preparing This Food

Wash fresh currants or gooseberries under cold running water, pull off stems and leaves, and
drain the berries.

What Happens When You Cook This Food

When fresh currants and gooseberries are heated, the water under the skin expands; if you
cook them long enough, the berries will eventually burst.

How Other Kinds of Processing Affect This Food

Canning. The heat of canning destroys vitamin C; canned gooseberries have only about
one-third the vitamin C of fresh gooseberries.

Medical Uses and/or Benefits

Adverse Effects Associated with This Food

Food/Drug Interactions

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