The New Complete Book of Food

(Kiana) #1

 The New Complete Book of Food

kiwi fruit, tomatoes, and food and diet sodas sweetened with aspartame. Persons sensitive
to these foods are likely to be sensitive to latex as well. NOTE: The National Institute of
Health Sciences, in Japan, also lists the following foods as suspect: Almonds, apples, apri-
cots, bamboo shoots, bell peppers, buckwheat, cantaloupe, carrots, celery, cherries, coconut,
figs, grapefruit, lettuce, loquat, mangoes, mushrooms, mustard, nectarines, oranges, passion
fruit, papaya, peaches, peanuts, peppermint, pineapples, potatoes, soybeans, strawberries,
walnuts, and watermelon.

Food/Drug Interactions
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