r Kohlrabi
Nutritional Profile
Energy value (calories per serving): Low
Protein: High
Fat: Low
Saturated fat: Low
Cholesterol: None
Carbohydrates: High
Fiber: High
Sodium: Low
Major vitamin contribution: B vitamins, vitamin C
Major mineral contribution: Calcium, iron, phosphorus
About the Nutrients in This Food
Kohlrabi (“cabbage-turnip”) is a cruciferous vegetable, a thick bulb-like
stem belonging to the cabbage family. It is high in dietary fiber, especially
the insoluble cellulose and lignin found in stems, leaves, roots, seeds and
peel. Kohlrabi is an excellent source of vitamin C and potassium, with
small amounts of iron.
One-half cup cooked, sliced Kohlrabi has 0.9 g dietary fiber, 45 mg
vitamin C (60 percent of the RDA for a woman, 50 percent of the RDA for
a man), and 0.3 mg iron (2 percent of the RDA for a woman, 4 percent of
the RDA for a man).
The Most Nutritious Way to Serve This Food
Steamed just until tender, to protect the vitamin C.
Diets That May Restrict or Exclude This Food
Antiflatulence diet
Low-fiber, low-residue diet
Buying This Food
Look for: Small vegetables with fresh-looking green leaves on top.