The New Complete Book of Food

(Kiana) #1

it with brown sugar before baking. Either way, the pumpkin will retain its color and its vita-
min A since its carotenoids are impervious to the normal heat of cooking.

Pumpkin seeds. When you toast pumpkin seeds, their moisture evaporates and they turn
crisp and brown. Commercially toasted pumpkin seeds are usually salted and must be con-
sidered high-sodium food. To toast pumpkin seeds at home, remove the outer cover of the
seeds and toss the seeds on an ungreased skillet on top of the stove or on a cookie sheet in a
350°F oven. Stir often to keep the seeds from burning. They are done when golden.

How Other Kinds of Processing Affect This Food

Canning. According to the USDA, canned “pumpkin” may be a mixture of pumpkin and
other yellow orange winter squash, all of which are similar in nutritional value.

Medical Uses and/or Benefits

Lower risk of some cancers. According to the American Cancer Society, foods rich in beta-
carotene may lower the risk of cancers of the larynx, esophagus, and lungs. There is no simi-
lar benefit from beta-carotene supplements; indeed, one controversial study actually showed
a higher rate of lung cancer among smokers taking the supplement.

Adverse Effects Associated with This Food

Food/Drug Interactions

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