Fat and Cholesterol Content of Beef Variety Meats
(100-g/3.5-oz. serving)
Meat Total Fat (g) Saturated Fat (g) Cholesterol (g)
Heart 4.7 1.4 212
Kidneys 4.7 1.1 716
Sweetbread (thymus gland) 25 8.6 294
Tongue 22 8.1 132
Tripe 4.1 1.4 157
Source: USDA Nutrient Data Laboratory. National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference.
Available online. UR L: http://nal.usda.gov/fnic/foodcomp/search/.
The Most Nutritious Way to Serve This Food
With a food rich in vitamin C. Vitamin C changes ferrous iron in foods into the more easily
absorbed ferric iron.
Diets That May Restrict or Exclude This Food
Low-cholesterol, controlled-fat diet
Low-protein diet
Low-sodium diet
Buying This Food
Look for: Refrigerated meat that feels cold to the touch and looks and smells absolutely
fresh. Frozen heart or tripe should be solid, with no give to the package and no drippings
staining the outside.
Choose some variety meats by size. The smaller the tongue, for example, the more
tender it will be. The most tender kidneys come from young animals. On the other hand,
all brains and sweetbreads are by nature tender, while all heart, tongue, and tripe (the most
solidly muscular of the variety meats) require long simmering to make them tender.
Storing This Food
Refrigerate variety meats immediately. All are highly perishable and should be used within
24 hours of purchase. Refrigeration prolongs the freshness of meat by slowing the natural
multiplication of bacteria on the surface. Unchecked, these bacteria will digest the proteins
Variety Meats