The New Complete Book of Food

(Kiana) #1

Luvox. See fluvoxamine
lycopene 170, 393, 396–397

macadamias 243–247
macaroni 274
mackerel 149, 153, 154, 155
Madeira 426
magnesium xix, 56
Maillard reaction 190, 261
malic acid 1
malnutrition, alcohol and 45,
135, 429
malt 41
malted barley 25
mandarin oranges 383–385
mangoes 223–224
MAOIs. See monoamine
oxidase inhibitors
maple sugar 373–376
maple syrup 373–376
Maraschino cherries 99, 101
margarine 414
measurements xx
meat. See specific types
Medjool dates 128
melon(s) 225–227
memory, enhancing 55
mercaptans 36, 162, 320–321
mercury, in fish 153–154, 154
mesquite honey 188
metaproterenol, interactions of
with coffee 114
with tea 391–392
methacycline. See tetracycline
methylene chloride 112
methyl mercaptan 15
methylmercury, in fish
153–154, 154
metronidazole, alcohol and 46
mexiletine (Mexitel),
interactions of
with coffee 114
with tea 391
migraine headache, alcohol
and 135, 430
coconut 108
condensed 235–236
cultured 228–232
adverse effects associ-
ated with 231–232
fat and cholesterol con-
tent of 228–229, 229

food/drug interactions
of 232–233
lactose content of 232,
medical uses/benefits of
evaporated 235–236
fresh 233–238
adverse effects associ-
ated with 237–238
food/drug interactions
of 238
heat treatments of 236
lactose content of 232
medical uses/benefits of
soy 357
milk-alkali syndrome 238
milk chocolate 102–106
mineral(s), RDA of xvii, xix
Minocin. See tetracycline
minocycline. See tetracycline
alcohol and 44, 134
coffee and 113
molasses 373–376
mold 57–58, 347
mollusks 348–354
monoamine oxidase
inhibitors (MAOIs),
interactions of
with alcohol 46, 136, 430
with avocados 19
with bananas 23
with beans 34, 208,
with beef 40
with cabbage 76
with caviar 87
with cheese 98
with chocolate 106
with coffee 114–115
with cucumbers 125
with eggplant 139
with figs 148
with fish 155
with game meat 164
with lentils 208
with liver 222
with papaya 269
with peas 291
with raisins 336
with soy sauce 357
with spinach 364
with tea 391–392, 392

with variety meat 406
with veal 411
Monterey Jack cheese 96
mood elevation
bananas and 22
chocolate and 103, 105
coffee and 112–113
diet for 441–442
plantains and 303
tea and 389
motion sickness remedies,
alcohol and 46, 136, 431
mozzarella cheese 94, 95, 98
Muenster cheese 94, 96
Multiple Risk Factor
Intervention Trial 144
muscadine grapes 176
muscarine 241
Muscat grapes 175, 175–176,
muscle meat 402–406
mushroom(s) 239–242
mushroom poisoning 241
mussels 153, 348–354
mustard greens 181–184
mustard oils 61, 66–67,
74–75, 84–85, 399. See also
Mutans streptococcus 418
mutton 198–201

naproxen, interactions of
with alcohol 46, 136, 430
with coffee 114
with grapefruit 172
with oranges 266
with tangerines 385
naringenin 172
National Cholesterol
Education Project 39,
144–145, 163–164, 201, 221,
231, 237, 246, 313–314, 323,
405–406, 409–410, 414–415
natural cheese 93
naturally sparkling water
navel oranges 263
nectarines 278–280
Neufchatel cheese 95
neural tube defects. See birth
neurotoxins 137, 292,
315–316, 394

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