Pediatric Nutrition in Practice

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Inborn Errors of Metabolism 233


liver and muscle, and disorders of glycogen deg-
radation may affect the liver or muscle or both
[14]. The liver GSD include GSD I and the he-
patic presentation of GSD III [15]. Typical meta-
bolic features are lactic acidaemia and hypogly-
caemia. Variable organ dysfunction, most fre-
quently hepatomegaly, occurs. The goal of
treatment is to maintain normoglycaemia, pre-
vent hypoglycaemia and prevent secondary
complications. Treatments include frequent
meals, cornstarch supplementation and/or con-
tinuous overnight tube feeding to avoid hypo-
glycaemia. In GSD I, allopurinol reduces uric
acid levels in the blood to prevent gout and kid-
ney stones [14].


  • The treatment goal for all IEM is to achieve
    optimal development and nutritional status
    during childhood, and maximal indepen-
    dence, social integration and self-esteem in
    adolescence and adulthood

  • All conditions require diligent care, and IEM
    are best managed by a multidisciplinary team
    led by a physician

  • Attentive nutritional support with the provi-
    sion of macronutrients and micronutrients to
    meet dietary reference values/requirements is

  • Frequent monitoring of growth, nutritional
    intake, development and biochemical control
    is necessary

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Koletzko B, et al. (eds): Pediatric Nutrition in Practice. World Rev Nutr Diet. Basel, Karger, 2015, vol 113, pp 226–233
DOI: 10.1159/000360344

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