Pediatric Nutrition in Practice

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4 Annexes

Tables with reference nutrient intakes are pre-
sented as published by (in alphabetical order):
Australia and New Zealand; Germany, Austria
and Switzerland; the Nordic nutrition recom-
mendations; the UK; the USA and Canada; the
WHO with the Food and Agriculture Organiza-
tion (FAO) and the United Nations University

Koletzko B, et al. (eds): Pediatric Nutrition in Practice. World Rev Nutr Diet. Basel, Karger, 2015, vol 113, pp 308–315
DOI: 10.1159/000375274

4.3 Reference Nutrient Intakes of Infants,

Children and Adolescents

Berthold Koletzko  Katharina Dokoupil

Tables 1 and 2. Australia and New Zealand nutrient refer-
ence values for diary food energy (table 1) and nutrients
(table 2) in healthy infants, children and adolescents
(modified from nutrient reference values including rec-
ommended dietary intakes from Australia and New Zea-
land 2005, 2006)

Ta b l e 1. Energy (male/female)





1 2,000/1,800 3 3.4/3.2
2 2,400/2,100 4 3.6/3.4
3 2,400/2,200 5 3.8/3.6
4 2,400/2,200 6 4.1/3.8
5 2,500/2,300 7 4.3/4.0
6 2,700/2,500 8 4.5/4.2
7 2,800/2,500 9 4.8/4.5
8 3,000/2,700 10 5.1/4.7
9 3,100/2,800 11 5.4/4.9
10 3,300/3,000 12 5.8/5.2
11 3,400/3,100 13 6.2/5.5
12 3,500/3,200 14 6.6/5.7
15 3,800/3,500 15 7.0/5.8
18 4,000/3,800 16 7.3/5.9
21 4,200/4,000 17 7.6/5.9
24 4,400/4,200 18 7.7/6.0
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