Pediatric Nutrition in Practice

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314 Koletzko  Dokoupil

Ta b l e s 8 – 10. WHO/FAO/UNU recommended dietary nutrient intake values for infants, children and adolescents
(modified from the WHO/FAO/UNU expert groups 2004, 1994, 1985, 2007)

Ta b l e 8. Energy, protein and fat (male/female)

Age Energya,


% of energy

3 – 6 months 700 13
6 – 9 months 810 14 30 – 40
30 – 40
30 – 40

9 – 12 months 950 14
1 – 2 years 1,150 13.5
2 – 3 years 1,350 15.5
3 – 5 years 1,550 17.5
5 – 7 years 1,850/1,750 21
7 – 10 years 2,100/1,800 27
10 – 12 years 2,200/1,950 34/36
12 – 14 years 2,400/2,650 43/44
14 – 16 years 2,650/2,150 52/46
16 – 18 years 2,850/2,150 56/42

The WHO/FAO/UNU (2007) calculated a maintenance value of 0.66 g protein/kg body weight/day for children and
infants from 6 months to 18 years.
a These energy intake recommendations are based on the need to match energy expenditure; thus, the recommen-
dations listed in the table are for energy expenditure which includes basal energy plus the need for physical activity
to sustain healthy growth and prevent obesity.

Ta b l e 9. Calcium, vitamin D and magnesium (WHO 2007; male/female)

Age Calcium, mg/day Vitamin D, IU/day Magnesium, mg/day

0 – 6 months 300 (human milk)
400 (cow’s milk)

  • 26 (human milk-fed)
    36 (formula-fed)
    7 – 12 months 400 – 54
    1 – 3 years 700 600 65
    4 – 8 years 1,000 600 110
    9 – 13 years 1,300 600 200/200
    14 – 18 years 1,300 600 340/300

Koletzko B, et al. (eds): Pediatric Nutrition in Practice. World Rev Nutr Diet. Basel, Karger, 2015, vol 113, pp 308–315
DOI: 10.1159/000375274
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