Pediatric Nutrition in Practice

(singke) #1
328 Subject Index

Celiac disease (CD)
clinical presentation 190, 191
diagnosis 181
epidemiology 190
alternative therapies 192, 193
gluten-free diet
compliance 192
limits 192
recommendations 191,
prevention 193
Centers for Disease Control Growth
body mass index-for-age
boys 301
girls 302
birth to 3 years 297
2–20 years 299
birth to 3 years 298
2–20 years 300
overview 295, 296
birth to 3 years 297
2–20 years 299
birth to 3 years 298
2–20 years 300
CF, see Cystic fibrosis
CHD, see Congenital heart disease
Child nutrition
guidelines 118
principles 119
recommendations 119
meals and meal patterns 120
food choice 120, 121
feeding problems, see Feeding
Cholestatic liver disease
types 178
nutritional assessment 178–180
malnutrition 178, 179
maintenance nutrition 180
Cholesterol, see
Chronic kidney disease (CKD)
growth impairment
causes 255
epidemiology 254, 255
nutritional intake 255

nutritional management
calcium 257
dietician role 256
energy 256
enteral feeding 257
fluids and electrolytes 257
minerals 257
phosphate 257
potassium 257
protein 256, 257
requirements 256
vitamins 257
obesity 257
CKD, see Chronic kidney disease
Complementary foods
allergens 111, 115, 116
energy 110
gluten 111
iron 110, 111
salt and sugar 111
zinc 110, 111
definition 109
recommendations 109, 110, 317,
taste and food acceptance 111
timing 110
vegans 111
Computed tomography (CT),
nutritional assessment 22
Congenital heart disease (CHD)
anticoagulants 252, 253
constipation 253
gastroesophageal reflux 252
breastfeeding 251, 252
home surveillance 260, 251
milk protein allergy 253
types and growth delay 250, 251
Constipation, congenital heart
disease infants 253
Crohn disease
exclusive enteral feeding
administration mode 240
calories 240
duration 241, 242
efficacy 240
exclusive versus
supplementary enteral nutrition
formula selection 240
patient selection 240
solid food reintroduction
241, 242

target volume 240, 241
growth facilitation 242
remission maintenance 242
treatment algorithms 239
CT, see Computed tomography
Cystic fibrosis (CF)
appetite stimulants 248
bone mineral density 246, 247
growth hormone therapy 248
malnutrition 247
nutritional support
adolescents 246
follow-up 247
infants 245
interventions 247, 248
school-age children 245
toddlers 245
overview 244, 245
pancreatic insufficiency 244, 245

Diabetes type I
carbohydrate counting 222, 223
energy balance 219–222
glycemic index 223, 224
nutrition therapy
age-specific considerations
223, 224
eating patterns 219
goals 219
overview 218, 219
recommendations for
different insulin regimens
Diabetes type II, nutritional
management 224
Diarrhea, see also Protracted
diarrhea of infancy
epidemiology 168
delivery strategies 171
prevention and management
169, 170
prospects 171, 172
nutrition 170, 171
rehydration and fluid
maintenance principles 59, 60
Dietary assessment
barriers to intake or absorption
diet records 16, 323
dietary history method 16
feeding history 7
food frequency questionnaires 324
interpretation 16, 17, 325
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