Pediatric Nutrition in Practice

(singke) #1

Subject Index 329

misreporting 325
nutrient analysis 324
overview 322, 323
24-hour recall 324
DLW, see Double labeled water
Double labeled water (DLW), total
energy expenditure estimation
34, 35
Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry
(DXA), nutritional assessment
DXA, see Dual-energy X-ray

Eating disorders, see Anorexia
body water regulation 56, 57
chronic kidney disease
requirements 257
environment and physical
activity effects 59
gastrointestinal regulation 57
ion flux regulation
intercellular regulation 58
intracellular regulation 58
malabsorptive disorder enteral
feeding 187
rehydration and fluid
maintenance principles 59, 60
sodium balance regulation 57
EN, see Enteral nutrition
Energy intake increase
breast milk or infant formula
concentration 320
enteral infant feeds 321
fats 321
glucose polymers 320, 321
children 321
stepwise approach 320
Energy requirements, see Total
energy expenditure
Enteral nutrition (EN)
cancer patients 268, 269
chronic kidney disease 257
Crohn disease and exclusive
enteral feeding
administration mode 240
calories 240
duration 241, 242
efficacy 240
exclusive versus
supplementary enteral
nutrition 240

formula selection 240
patient selection 240
solid food reintroduction
241, 242
target volume 240, 241
initiation 156
modes 155, 156
sites 155
feeding algorithm 188
formula properties and selection
criteria 154, 155
malabsorptive disorders
advancement 188
diet 183–188
rationale 183
routes 186
monitoring and complications
overview 152, 154
pediatric indications 153
pediatric intensive care unit 274
preterm infant 215, 216
prospects for study 156, 157
Euro Growth Charts
body mass index-for-age
boys 306
girls 307
boys 304, 305
girls 304, 305
overview 295, 296
boys 303
girls 303
Exercise, see Physical activity

breast milk lipids 54
children requirements 54, 55
essential fatty acids 51–53
fatty acid oxidation disorders
231, 232
infant requirements 52
lipoprotein response to diet 237
long-chain polyunsaturated fatty
acids 52, 53
enteral feeding 185
stool analysis 28
parenteral nutrition lipids 160,
pediatric intensive care unit 273,

polyunsaturated fatty acids 52,
vegetarian diets and essential
fatty acids 136
Feeding history, see Dietary
Feeding problems
caregiver feeding practices 210
evolution 209, 210
feeding recommendations 211
interventions 211, 212
overview 209
screening 210, 211
clinical importance 48, 49
malabsorptive disorder enteral
feeding 183, 185
overview 48
Fish, mercury concerns in
pregnancy and lactation 132
body water regulation 56, 57
chronic kidney disease
requirements 257
environment and physical
activity effects 59
gastrointestinal regulation 57
ion flux regulation
intercellular regulation 58
intracellular regulation 58
malabsorptive disorder enteral
feeding 187
parenteral nutrition 159
rehydration and fluid
maintenance principles 59, 60
sodium balance regulation 57
Folic acid, pregnancy requirements
Follow-up formula
children 102
infants 100–102
Food allergy
clinical manifestations 197
complementary foods 111, 115,
congenital heart disease infants
and milk protein allergy 253
diagnosis 198–200
dietary management 200, 201
hypersensitivity reaction
classification 196
intolerance comparison 196
pathophysiology 196, 197
prevention in early nutrition
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