Pediatric Nutrition in Practice

(singke) #1
330 Subject Index

breastfeeding 114
hydrolyzed infant formula
114, 115
maternal allergen avoidance
overview 113, 114
prebiotics 116
probiotics 116
protein sources 115
trends 195
wheat allergy 193
Food record, see Dietary assessment
Food safety
contaminants 79, 80
infant formula 81
infectious agents 81
regulation 78, 79
residues 79
toxicology 80
Formula, see Enteral nutrition;
Follow-up formula; Infant
Fructose, see Hereditary fructose

Galactosemia 231, 232
Gastroesophageal reflux (GER)
clinical presentation 204
congenital heart disease infants
diagnosis 204–206
overview 203, 204
treatment 206, 207
Gastroesophageal reflux disease
clinical presentation 204
diagnosis 204–206
treatment 206, 207
Gastrointestinal tract, development
and digestion 83–86
GER, see Gastroesophageal reflux
GERD, see Gastroesophageal reflux
Gestational weight gain, see
GFD, see Gluten-free diet
GI, see Glycemic index
Glutamine, malabsorptive disorder
enteral feeding 186
Gluten, complementary foods 111
Gluten-free diet (GFD)
celiac disease
compliance 192
limits 192

recommendations 191, 192
nonceliac gluten sensitivity 193
wheat allergy 193
Glycemic index (GI), diabetic
patient diet 223, 224
Glycogen storage diseases (GSD)
226, 231–233
Growth, see also Centers for Disease
Control Growth Charts; Euro
Growth Charts; World Health
Organization Child Growth
chronic kidney disease and
causes 255
epidemiology 254, 255
nutritional intake 255
early effects in later life 4
growth model 1, 2
linear growth velocity 2
monitoring 4, 5
normal growth anthropometry
in infants 10
nutritional problems 4
organs 2
patterns 10, 11
reference charts
body mass index 2, 3
subscapular skin folds 2, 3
regulation 3, 4
Growth hormone therapy, cystic
fibrosis 248
GSD, see Glycogen storage diseases
Gut microbiota, infants
source 87
succession 87, 88
first six months 88
immune development role 89, 90
intestinal function 89
maintenance and modulation 90,
weaning effects 88, 89

HCU, see Homocystinuria
Heart disease, see Congenital heart
Hereditary fructose intolerance
(HFI) 231, 232
HFI, see Hereditary fructose
HIV, see Human immunodeficiency

Homocystinuria (HCU) 227, 229
Human immunodeficiency virus
antiretroviral therapy
infected child feeding 176
overview 174
breastfeeding transmission 94,
173, 174
exposed uninfected infant
breastfeeding 174
replacement feeding 174, 175
infected child feeding not on
antiretroviral therapy 175,
Hydrogen breath test, malnutrition
findings 28
dietary treatment 237, 238
epidemiology 236, 237
lipoprotein types and assessment
235, 236
overview 234, 235
Hypernatremic dehydration,
breastfeeding 94

Inborn errors of metabolism, see
specific diseases
Infant formula
allergy prevention
hydrolyzed infant formula
114, 115
protein sources 115
optional ingredients 98
protein hydrolysates 98,
soy protein isolate 98
recommendations 97, 98
requirements 99, 100
energy intake increase strategies
concentration 320
enteral infant feeds 321
fats 321
glucose polymers 320, 321
follow-up formula 100–102
food safety 81
historical perspective 104, 105
indications 107
International Code of Marketing
of Breast-Milk Substitutes
monitoring 106
overview 105, 106
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