Internet of Things Architecture

(Elliott) #1
the attacker model
Avoid Over-The-Air device management; if necessary
secure properly

Table 8 : Security perspective (adopted from [Rozanski 2005], extended with IoT
specific aspects) Privacy

There are usually different concepts conveyed with the term privacy, some
being more from the technical side and some more from the legal perspective,
without forgetting ethical aspects.

Desired Quality Ability of the system to ensure that the collection of
personally identifying information be minimized and that
collected data should be used locally wherever

IoT-A Requirements UNI.001, UNI.002, UNI.410, UNI.412, UNI.413,
UNI.424, UNI.501, UNI.606, UNI.611, UNI.623,

Applicability Relevant to all IoT systems.

Activities Capture the privacy requirements
Conduct risk analysis
Evaluate compliancy with existing privacy frameworks.

Tactics Use an Identity Management component that supports
Avoid transmitting identifiers in clear especially over
wireless connections
Minimize unauthorized access to implicit information
(e.g. deriving location information from service access
Validate against requirements
Consider the impact of security/performance tradeoffs
on privacy
Enable the user to control the privacy (and thus
security and trust) settings
Balance privacy vs. non-repudiation (accountability)

Table 9 : Privacy perspective (adopted from [Rozanski 2005], extended with IoT
specific aspects)

4.3.4 Availability and resilience

As we are dealing with distributed IoT systems, where a lot of things can go
wrong, the ability of the system to stay operational and to effectively handle
failures that could affect a system‘s availability is crucial.

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