Obj ectTag :Tag
Obj ect :Physical Entity
Location :Physical Entity
LocationTag :Tag
TagReader :Sensor
User Terminal :Dev ice
On-Dev ice ResourceReaderDriv er :
Reader API :Serv ice
ucode App :Activ e Digital Artefact
User Terninal
Information Serv ice :Application
Serv ice
ucode Resolution Serv ice :Serv ice ucode Resolution DB :Netw ork Resource
ucode Obj ect DB :Netw ork Resource
LocationRecord :Virtual Entity Obj ectRecord :Virtual Entity
ucode Resolution
Application Information Services
is attached to
identifies is attached to
queries exposes
hosts is asociated with / is stored in
relates to
relates to
Figure 108 : uID architecture fit into the IoT Domain Model.
The uID architecture uses the uCR to describe complex context information via
relationships between real-world entities [Koshizuka 2010]. So-called uCR
units consist of a triple of ucodes: subject ucode, relation ucode, and object
ucode. The object ucode can be replaced by simple literals; hence it becomes
possible to express attributes of a real-world entity as a uCR unit, e.g., <ucode
X, “hasBrandName", “GoldenTea”>.
It is not feasible to try to map the uCR model directly to IoT Information Model.
The IoT Information Model provides a vocabulary for describing IoT systems
and it does not, explicitly prescribe how information should be represented. The
uCR, on the other hand, can be used to represent relations between any kinds
of objects identified with ucodes much in the same way as RDF is used to
represent resources identified with URIs. Therefore, the relation between IoT-A
information model and the uCR model is actually complementary by nature and
the uCR should be seen as an alternative way (for XML, RDF, binary etc.) to
represent IoT Information Model concepts.
To conclude, when mapped to the generic IoT-A the uID provides
implementations for only a small subset of the functionalities defined in IoT
ARM. First, the ucode provides a globally unique way identify physical (and
virtual) objects. These ucodes can be used as identifiers for any instance of the
IoT ARM concept. Second, the uID provides a way to resolve the address of the
information service hosting data about the object identified with a ucode. This
functionality is basically a subset of the functionality defined for the IoT-A
resolution infrastructure. Third, the uID provides methods (i.e. the ucode
Relational Model) for representing relations between ucodes. This functionality
can be used for representing IoT Information Model concepts.