Entity, like its state or location.
Resource hosted inside a Device and enabling access
to the Device and thus to the related Physical Entity.
Passive Digital
Passive Digital Artefact Digital Artefacts are passive
software elements such as data-base entries or other
digital representations of the Physical Entity.
Passive Digital
A digital representation of something stored in an IT-
based system. Obsolete: the term to be used is Passive
Digital Artefact.
Perspective (also
referred to as
―Architectural perspective is a collection of activities,
checklists, tactics and guidelines to guide the process
of ensuring that a system exhibits a particular set of
closely related quality properties that require
consideration across a number of the system‘s
architectural views.‖
Physical Entity A Physical Entity is a discrete, identifiable part of the
physical environment that is of interest to the user for
the completion of her goal. Physical Entities can be
almost any object or environment; from humans or
animals to cars; from store or logistics chain items to
computers; from electronic appliances to closed or
open environments.
A reference architecture is an architectural design
pattern that indicates how an abstract set of
mechanisms and relationships realises a
predetermined set of requirements. It captures the
essence of the architecture of a collection of systems.
The main purpose of a reference architecture is to
provide guidance for the development of architectures.
One or more reference architectures may be derived
from a common reference model, to address different
purposes/usages to which the Reference Model may be
Reference Model ―A reference model is an abstract framework for
understanding significant relationships among the
entities of some environment. It enables the
development of specific reference or concrete
architectures using consistent standards or
specifications supporting that environment. A reference
model consists of a minimal set of unifying concepts,
axioms and relationships within a particular problem
domain, and is independent of specific standards,
technologies, implementations, or other concrete
details. A reference model may be used as a basis for
education and explaining standards to non-specialists.‖
Requirement ―A quantitative statement of business need that must be
met by a particular architecture or work package.‖
[TOGAF 2008]
Resolution Service by which a given ID is associated with a set of
Addresses of information and interaction Services.