Internet of Things Architecture

(Elliott) #1

Internet of Things – Architecture © - 48 -

perspectives cut across the views. In other words, they do not replace views but
provide an abstraction layer above the views. In this document we cover the
following architectural perspectives:

 Evolution and interoperability;

 Performance and scalability;

 Trust, security, and privacy;

 Availability and resilience.

Of the above perspectives only one is covered at the level of the IoT Reference
Model: Trust, Security and Privacy.

The table below summarises how the models in the IoT Reference Model relate
to the views and perspectives featured in the IoT Reference Architecture.

IoT Reference Model IoT Reference Architecture

IoT Domain Model --

IoT Information Model Information view

IoT Functional Model Functional view

IoT Communication

Communication Functionality Group (part of the
functional view)

Trust, security, and
privacy model

Security Functionality Group (part of the functional
view) and the trust, security, and privacy perspective

Table 2 : Relation of model in the IoT Reference Model to features in the IoT Reference

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