A reasonable and practical approximation can be made forZ 2 m, which is that the magnitudes
ofRcandXmare each much greater than the magnitude ofR 2 andX 2. (For a more precise analysis
see Reference 1, Chapter 12.) HenceZ 2 mreduces to:-
Z 2 m=
R 2
+jX 2
And soVmbecomes:-
Vs(R 2 +jsX 2 )
sR 1 +R 2 +jsX 12
whereX 12 =X 1 +X 2
And soVm^2 becomes:-
Vm^2 =
Vs^2 (R 22 +js^2 X 22 )
(sR 1 +R 2 )^2 +s^2 X 122
Hence the torque becomes:-
sR 2 Vs^2
(sR 1 +R 2 )^2 +s^2 X 122
( 5. 1 )
There are three important conditions to consider from the torque equation:
a) The starting condition in which the slip is unity.
b) The full-load condition in which the slip is small, i.e. 0.005 to 0.05 per-unit.
c) The value and location of the maximum torqueTmax.
a) The starting condition.
When the slipsequals unity the starting torqueT 1 can be found from equation (5.1) as:
T 1 =
R 2 Vs^2
R 122 +X 122
( 5. 2 )
R 12 =R 1 +R 2
The starting torque is very dependent uponR 2 because for typical parameters the total
reactanceX 12 is significantly larger than the total resistanceR 12. During the starting process the
denominator remains fairly constant until the slip approaches a value that creates the maximum
torque, which is typically a value between 0.05 and 0.2 per-unit, as seen in Figures 5.4 and 5.5
for two ratings of low voltage motors. The higher value of slip generally applies to the lower kW
rated motors.
b) The full-load condition
Full-load is obtained when the slip is typically in the range 0.005 to 0.05 per-unit. The higher
values apply to the lower kW rated motors. The full-load torqueT 0 can be approximated as:-
T 0 ≈
R 2