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CUUS2079-04 CUUS2079-Zafarani 978 1 107 01885 3 January 13, 2014 16:54
4.2 Random Graphs 87
Table 4.3. Evolution of Random Graphs. Here, p is the random graph
generation probability, c is the average degree, ds is the diameter size, slc is
the size of the largest component, and l is the average path length. The
highlighted column denotes phase transition in the random graph
p 0.0 0.055 0.11 1.0
c 0.0 0.8 ≈ 1 9.0
ds 02 61
slc 04 710
l 0.0 1.5 2.66 1.0
The figure also provides information on the average degreec, the diameter
sizeds, the size of the largest componentslc, and the average path length
lof the random graph.
As shown, in Table4.3,aspgets larger, the graph gets denser. Whenp
is very small, the following is found:
- No giant component is observed in the graph.
- Small isolated connected components are formed.
- The diameter is small because all nodes are in isolated components,
in which they are connected to a handful of other nodes.
Aspgets larger, the following occurs:
- A giant component starts to appear.
- Isolated components become connected.
- The diameter values increase.
At this point, nodes are connected to each other via long paths (see
p= 0 .11 in Table4.3). Aspcontinues to get larger, the random graph
properties change again. For larger values, the diameter starts shrinking as
nodes get connected to each other via different paths (that are likely to be
shorter). The point where diameter value starts to shrink in a random graph
is calledphase transition. At the point ofphase transition, the following PHASE
two phenomena are observed: TRANSITION
- The giant component, whichjuststarted to appear, starts to grow.
- The diameter, whichjustreached its maximum value, starts decreas-