Social Media Mining: An Introduction

(Axel Boer) #1

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CUUS2079-04 CUUS2079-Zafarani 978 1 107 01885 3 January 13, 2014 16:54

96 Network Models






0.0001 0.001 0.01

L(p) / L(0)

C(p) /C(0)

0.1 1

Figure 4.5. Clustering Coefficient and Average Path Length Change in the Small-World
Model (from [Watts and Strogatz, 1997]). In this figure,C(p)/C(0) denotes the cluster-
ing coefficient of a small-world model, withβ=pover the regular lattice. Similarly,
L(p)/L(0) denotes the average path length of a small-world model over the regular
lattice. Since models with a high clustering coefficient and small average path length
are desired,βvalues in range 0. 01 ≤β=p≤ 0 .1 are preferred.

As shown in the figure, the value forC(p) stays high untilpreaches
0.1 (10% rewired) and then decreases rapidly to a value around zero. Since
a high clustering coefficient is required in generated graphs,β≤ 0 .1is

Average Path Length
The same procedure can be done for the average path length. The average
path length in a regular lattice is
2 c

. (4.23)

We denote this value asL(0). The average path length in a random graph
islnlnnc. We denoteL(p) as the average path length for a small-world model
whereβ=p. UnlikeC(p), no analytical formula for comparingL(p)to
L(0) exists; however, the relation can be computed empirically for different
values ofp. Similar toC(p), we plotLL(0)(p)in Figure4.5. As shown in the
figure, the average path length decays sooner than the clustering coefficient
and becomes stable when around 1% of edges are rewired. Since we require
small average path lengths in the generated graphs,β≥ 0 .01 is preferred.
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