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CUUS2079-04 CUUS2079-Zafarani 978 1 107 01885 3 January 13, 2014 16:54
4.4 Preferential Attachment Model 97
Table 4.5.A Comparison between Real-World Networks and Simulated Graphs
Using the Small-World Model. In this table C denotes the average clustering
coefficient. The last two columns show the average path length and the clustering
coefficient for the small-world graph simulated for the real-world network. Both
average path lengths and clustering coefficients are modeled properly
Original Network Simulated Graph
Average Average Path Average Path
Network Size Degree Length C Length C
Film Actors 225,226 61 3.65 0.79 4.2 0.73
Medline Coauthorship 1,520,251 18.1 4.6 0.56 5.1 0.52
E. Coli 282 7.35 2.9 0.32 4.46 0.31
C. Elegans 282 14 2.65 0.28 3.49 0.37
4.3.2 Modeling Real-World Networks with the Small-World Model
A desirable model for a real-world network should generate graphs with
high clustering coefficients and short average path lengths. As shown in
Figure4.5,for0. 01 ≤β≤ 0 .10, the small-world network generated is
acceptable, in which the average path length is small and the clustering
coefficient is still high. Given a real-world network in which average degree
cand clustering coefficientCare given, we setC(p)=Cand determineβ
using Equation4.22.Givenβ,c, andn(size of the real-world network), we
can simulate the small-world model.
Table4.5demonstrates the simulation results for various real-world net-
works. As observed in the table, the small-world model generates a realistic
clustering coefficient and small average path length. Note that the small-
world model is still incapable of generating a realistic degree distribution in
the simulated graph. To generate scale-free networks (i.e., with a power-law
degree distribution), we introduce the preferential attachment model next.
4.4 Preferential Attachment Model
There exist a variety of scale-free network-modeling algorithms. A well-
established one is the model proposed byBarab ́asi and Albert [1999]. The
model is calledpreferential attachmentor sometimes the Bar ́abasi-Albert
(BA) model and is as follows:
When new nodes are added to networks, they are more likely to connect to existing nodes
that many others have connected to.
This connection likelihood is proportional to the degree of the node
that the new node is aiming to connect to. In other words, arich-get-
richerphenomenon oraristocrat networkis observed where the higher the