Social Media Mining: An Introduction

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4.7 Exercises 103

person on a first-name basis. Otherwise, they had to forward it to someone
who was more likely to know the target. The results showed that the letters
were on average forwarded 5.5 to 6 times until they reached the target in
Boston. Other recent research on small-world model dynamics can be found
in [Watts, 1999, 2002 ].
Price [1965, 1976] was among the first who described power laws
observed in citation networks and models capable of generating them.
Power-law distributions are commonly found in social networks and the
web [Faloutsos et al., 1999;Mislove et al., 2007]. The first developers of
preferential attachment models wereYule [1925], who described these mod-
els for generating power-law distributions in plants, and Herbert A.Simon
[1955], who developed these models for describing power laws observed
in various phenomena: distribution of words in prose, scientists by cita-
tions, and cities by population, among others. Simon used what is known as
themaster equationto prove that preferential attachment models generate
power-law degree distributions. A more rigorous proof for estimating the
power-law exponent of the preferential attachment model using the master
equation method can be found in [Newman, 2010]. The preferential attach-
ment model introduced in this chapter has a fixed exponentb=3, but,
as mentioned, real-world networks have exponents in the range [2,3]. To
solve this issue, extensions have been proposed in [Krapivsky, Redner, and
Leyvraz, 2000;Albert and Barabasi, 2000 ́ ].

4.7 Exercises

Properties of Real-World Networks

  1. Ascale invariantfunctionf(.) is one such that, for a scalarα,

f(αx)=αcf(x), (4.34)
for some constantc. Prove that the power-law degree distribution is
scale invariant.

Random Graphs

  1. Assuming that we are interested in a sparse random graph, what should
    we choose as ourpvalue?

  2. Construct a random graph as follows. Start withnnodes and a given
    k. Generate all the possible combinations ofknodes. For each combi-
    nation, create ak-cycle with probability(nα− 1
    2 )

, whereαis a constant.
Calculate the node mean degree and the clustering coefficient.
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