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CUUS2079-05 CUUS2079-Zafarani 978 1 107 01885 3 January 13, 2014 19:23
116 Data Mining Essentials
Decision trees classify examples based on their feature values. Each non-
leaf node in a decision tree represents a feature, and each branch represents
a value that the feature can take. Instances are classified by following a path
that starts at the root node and ends at a leaf by following branches based on
instance feature values. The value of the leaf determines the class attribute
value predicted for the instance (see Figure5.3).
Decision trees are constructed recursively from training data using a
top-down greedy approach in which features are sequentially selected. In
Figure5.3(a), the feature selected for the root node isCelebrity. After
selecting a feature for each node, based on its values, different branches
are created: For Figure5.3(a), since theCelebrityfeature can only take
eitherYesorNo, two branches are created: one labeledYesand one labeled
No. The training set is then partitioned into subsets based on the feature
values, each of which fall under the respective feature value branch; the
process is continued for these subsets and other nodes. In Figure5.3(a),
instances 1, 4, and 9 from Table5.1represent the subset that falls under the
Celebrity=Yesbranch, and the other instances represent the subset that
falls under theCelebrity=Nobranch.
When selecting features, we prefer features that partition the set of
instances into subsets that are morepure. A pure subset has instances
that all have the same class attribute value. In Figure5.3(a), the instances
that fall under the left branch of the root node (Celebrity=Yes)form
a pure subset in which all instances have the same class attribute value
Influential?=No. When reaching pure subsets under a branch, the deci-
sion tree construction process no longer partitions the subset, creates a leaf
under the branch, and assigns the class attribute value for subset instances
as the leaf’s predicted class attribute value. In Figure5.3(a), the instances
that fall under the right branch of the root node form an impure dataset;
therefore, further branching is required to reach pure subsets. Purity of
subsets can be determined with different measures. A common measure of
purity isentropy. Over a subset of training instances,T, with a binary class
attribute (values∈{+,−}), the entropy ofTis defined as
entropy(T)=−p+logp+−p−logp−, (5.15)
wherep+is the proportion of instances with+class attribute value inT
andp−is the proportion of instances with – class attribute value.
Example 5.3.Assume that there is a subset T , containing 10 instances.
Seven instances have a positive class attribute value, and three instances