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CUUS2079-05 CUUS2079-Zafarani 978 1 107 01885 3 January 13, 2014 19:23
5.4 Supervised Learning 121
v 2
1 0
v 4
v 6
v 3 v 5
v 1
Figure 5.5. Weighted-Vote Relational-Neighbor (wvRN) Example. Labeled nodes have
their class attribute values next to them. The goal is to predict labels for other nodes in
the network.
value. Note thatP(yi= 1 |N(vi)) isonlycalculated forvi’s that are unla-
beled. For nodevk, which is labeled 1, p(yk= 1 |N(vk))=1 and the
probability is never estimated. Similarly, ifvkwill not buy the product,
p(yk= 0 |N(vk))=1. Since the probability of a node having class attribute
value 1 depends on the probability of its neighbors having the same value,
the probability of the node is affected if the probabilities of its neighbors
change. Thus, the order of updating nodes can affect the estimated prob-
abilities. In practice, one follows an order sequence for estimating node
probabilities. Starting with an initial probability estimate for all unlabeled
nodes and following this order, we estimate probabilities until probabilities
no longer change (i.e., converge). We can assume the initial probability
estimate to beP(yi= 1 |N(vi))= 0 .5 for all unlabeled nodes.^3 We show
how the wvRN classifier learns probabilities using the following example.
Example 5.6.Consider the network given in Figure5.5. Labeled nodes
have their class attribute values next to them. Therefore,
P(y 1 = 1 |N(v 1 ))= 1 , (5.26)
P(y 2 = 1 |N(v 2 ))= 1 , (5.27)
P(y 5 = 1 |N(v 5 ))= 0. (5.28)
We have three unlabeled nodes{v 3 ,v 4 ,v 6 }. We choose their natural order
to update their probabilities. Thus, we start withv 3 :
P(y 3 |N(v 3 ))
|N(v 3 )|
vj∈N(v 3 )
P(yj= 1 |N(vj))
(P(y 1 = 1 |N(v 1 ))+P(y 2 = 1 |N(v 2 ))+P(y 5 = 1 |N(v 5 )))