Social Media Mining: An Introduction

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CUUS2079-05 CUUS2079-Zafarani 978 1 107 01885 3 January 13, 2014 19:23

5.5 Unsupervised Learning 127

Table 5.3. Distance Measures

Measure Name Formula Description
Mahalanobis d(X,Y)=

(X−Y)T −^1 (X−Y) X, Y are features vectors
and is the covariance
matrix of the dataset


i|xi−yi| X, Y are features vectors

Lp-norm d(X,Y)=(


n)^1 n X, Y are features vectors

truth and prediction results and check if these lines are close. The smaller
the distance between these lines, the more accurate the models learned from
the data.

5.5 Unsupervised Learning

Unsupervised learning is the unsupervised division of instances into groups
of similar objects. In this topic, we focus onclustering. In clustering, the CLUSTERING
data is often unlabeled. Thus, the label for each instance is not known to the
clustering algorithm. This is the main difference between supervised and
unsupervised learning.
Any clustering algorithm requires a distance measure. Instances are
put into different clusters based on their distance to other instances. The
most popular distance measure for continuous features is theEuclidean


(x 1 −y 1 )^2 +(x 2 −y 2 )^2 +···+(xn−yn)^2




i= 1

(xi−yi)^2 , (5.54)

where X=(x 1 ,x 2 ,...,xn) andY=(y 1 ,y 2 ,...,yn) are n-dimensional
feature vectors inRn. A list of some commonly used distance measures
is provided in Table5.3.
Once a distance measure is selected, instances are grouped using it. Clus-
ters are usually represented by compact and abstract notations. “Cluster
centroids” are one common example of this abstract notation. Finally, clus-
ters are evaluated. There is still a large debate on the issue of evaluating
clustering because of the lack of cluster labels in unsupervised learning.
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