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CUUS2079-05 CUUS2079-Zafarani 978 1 107 01885 3 January 13, 2014 19:23
128 Data Mining Essentials
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Figure 5.7.k-Means Output on a Sample Dataset. Instances are two-dimensional vectors
shown in the 2-D space.k-means is run withk=6, and the clusters found are visualized
using different symbols.
Clustering validity and the definition of valid clusters are two of the chal-
lenges in the ongoing research.
5.5.1 Clustering Algorithms
There are many clustering algorithm types. In this section, we discussparti-
tionalclustering algorithms, which are the most frequently used clustering
algorithms. In Chapter 6, we discuss two other types of clustering algo-
rithms: spectral clustering and hierarchical clustering.
Partitional Algorithms
Partitional clustering algorithms partition the dataset into a set of clusters.
In other words, each instance is assigned to a cluster exactly once, and no
instance remains unassigned to clusters.k-meansJain and Dubes [1999]
is a well-known example of a partitional algorithm. The output of thek-
means algorithm (k=6) on a sample dataset is shown in Figure5.7.In
this figure, the dataset has two features, and instances can be visualized
in a two-dimensional space. The instances are shown using symbols that
represent the cluster to which they belong. The pseudocode fork-means
algorithm is provided in Algorithm5.2.