Social Media Mining: An Introduction

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CUUS2079-06 CUUS2079-Zafarani 978 1 107 01885 3 January 13, 2014 17:15

146 Community Analysis

Community Detection

Community Detection
Figure 6.2. Community Detection Algorithms Example. Member-based community
detection groups members based on their characteristics. Here, we divide the network
based on color. In group-based community detection, we find communities based on
group properties. Here, groups are formed based on the density of interactions among
their members.

Let us consider a simple example. We can assume that nodes that belong to a
cycle form a community. This is because they share the same characteristic:
being in the cycle. Figure6.3depicts a 4-cycle. For instance, we can search
for alln-cycles in the graph and assume that they represent a community.
The choice forncan be based on empirical evidence or heuristics, orncan
be in a range [α 1 ,α 2 ] for which all cycles are found. A well-known example
is the search for 3-cycles (triads) in graphs.

v 1 v 2

v 3 v 4
Figure 6.3. A 4-Cycle.
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