Social Media Mining: An Introduction

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7.2 Information Cascades 187

are connected by a network and (2) individuals are only observing decisions
of their immediate neighbors (friends). Therefore, cascade users have less
information available to them compared to herding users, where almost all
information about decisions are available.
There are many approaches to modeling information cascades. Next, we
introduce a basic model that can help explain information cascades.

7.2.1 Independent Cascade Model (ICM)
In this section, we discuss the independent cascade model (ICM) [Kempe
et al., 2003] that can be utilized to model information cascades. Variants
of this model have been discussed in the literature. Here, we discuss the
one detailed byKempe et al. [2003]. Interested readers can refer to the
bibliographic notes for further references. Underlying assumptions for this
model include the following:
 The network is represented using a directed graph. Nodes are actors
and edges depict the communication channels between them. A node
can only influence nodes that it is connected to.
 Decisions are binary – nodes can be eitheractiveorinactive. An active
nodes means that the node decided to adopt the behavior, innovation,
or decision.
 A node, once activated, can activate its neighboring nodes.
 Activation is aprogressiveprocess, where nodes change from inactive
to active, but not vice versa.^1

Considering nodes that are active as senders and nodes that are being
activated as receivers, in the independent cascade model (ICM) senders
activate receivers. Therefore, ICM is denoted as asender-centricmodel. In SENDER-

this model, the node that becomes active at timethas, in the next time step
t+1, one chance of activating each of its neighbors. Letvbe an active
node at timet. Then, for any neighborw, there is a probabilitypv,wthat
nodewgets activated att+1. A nodevthat has been activated at timet
has a single chance of activating its neighborwand that activation can only
happen att+1. We start with a set of active nodes and we continue until
no further activation is possible. Algorithm7.1details the process of the
ICM model.

Example 7.2.Consider the network in Figure7.4as an example. The
network is undirected; therefore, we assume pv,w=pw,v. Since it is
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